Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Specialized translation

Programme aims

The Secondcycle Degree Programme in Specialized Translation sets out to train twoprofessional figures:
Profile 1) Specialised translatorand reviser working in sectoral fields, business, publishing and multimedia andaudiovisual communication and localization;
Profile 2) Expert translator inlinguistic technologies for translation, terminology, multilingual digitalcommunication and project management.

Professional figure 1 hashigh-level translation skills in specialist fields (technical, legal,economic-financial, commercial, scientific, medical and healthcare,institutional, publishing and multimedia), based on a solid linguistic,cultural and technological background. These competencies respond flexibly tothe needs of a constantly evolving market in sectors including public andprivate institutions and bodies as well as national and internationalcompanies. Furthermore, these competencies can also be applied to teaching andresearch. Specifically graduates shall have the followingcharacteristics:
- a solid background intranslation, revision and post-editing techniques, in addition to forms ofprofessional text processing and adaptation;
- in-depth knowledge of specificsectorial languages and the related fields of reference;
- in-depth knowledge of thespecial features and dynamics of the publishing sector;
- in-depth knowledge of the ITtools and techniques applied to the translation and localization of multimediaand audiovisual products and video games;
- the ability to use IT andtelematic supports that are indispensable to the translation profession, usingtraditional and computerised documentation and research tools;
- autonomous problem-solvingskills, awareness of professional ethics, self-learning and reflection skills;
- high-level cultural andlinguistic skills in the English language, and at least a second language,applied to the analysis of texts and discourse.

Professional figure 2 hashigh-level technological and applied research competencies in the fields oftranslation, terminology and project management, based on a solid linguisticand cultural background. These interdisciplinary competencies specificallytarget technological firms, linguistic service providers, national andinternational, private and public bodies and institutions, and can also beemployed in teaching and research. Graduates shall have the followingcharacteristics:
- a solid background intranslation, revision and post-editing techniques, as well as the toolssupporting these processes;
- the ability to assess, adaptand optimise the IT resources and tools used in the language industry,including terminology databases, text corpora, translation memories,machine-assisted translation, machine translation systems;
- the ability to manage complexwork flows and interdisciplinary project teams in all fields of multilingualdigital communication;
- autonomous problem-solvingskills, awareness of professional ethics, self-learning and reflection skills;
- high-level cultural andlinguistic skills in the English language, and at least a second language,applied to the analysis of texts and discourse.

For the above purposes, theDegree Programme focuses on the following areas of learning:
- linguistic-cultural area,including activities aiming to further linguistic and cultural knowledge in thelanguages studied, with specific emphasis on discourse and text analysis;
- theoretical-methodologicalarea, including activities aiming to acquire the specific tools and methods ofempirical research applied to languages and translation, as well as translationtechnologies (documentation, terminography, machine-assisted translation,machine translation and localization);
- traductology area, includingactivities aiming to acquire translation, revision and post-editing techniquesapplied to texts in sectorial, publishing and multimedia fields, and to developcritical skills and an ethical awareness of the profession.

The degreeprogramme covers two years. During the first year, students acquire transversaltools and supports required for the set translation activities, includingtechnological competencies and linguistic, cultural, theoretical andtraductological knowledge, as defined in the above-described learning areas.
These competencies and knowledgeare then applied in the second year in all translation and/or linguistic dataprocessing course units set out in the course structure diagram. Students willthus develop competencies in translation, technology and terminology coveringseveral research and specialisation areas, further consolidated throughtheoretical and vocational seminars and the curricular internship provided forin the programme catalogue.
The final examination is theexpression of the choices made by the students in a specific field of interestto complete the programme.