The 2nd cycle degree programmein Statistical Financial and Actuarial Sciences aims to ensure an in-depthquantitative background and practical skills to tackle key problems and analyserisks linked to financial and insurance activities and pension schemes, and fordata collection and statistical analysis supporting decisions in the businessfield, with particular reference to financial and insurance businesses.
The 2nd cycle degree programmein Statistical Financial and Actuarial Sciences aims to produce graduates ableto work at high levels in the field of quantitative analysis of financial andeconomic and social phenomena, in the technical design of pension funds, theevaluation of financial markets, insurance undertakings and pension funds.Graduates shall also be able to construct models to interpret phenomena in thetypical fields of application, identify and assess the importance of keyvariables and factors and assess the levels of risk linked to the proposedsolutions. Statistical Financial and Actuarial Sciences graduates completetheir studies with knowledge of the English language to level B2. Study mayinclude both the acquisition of the four linguistic skills (reading, writing,listening and dialogue) and compulsory attendance of lessons, in line with thecriteria specified by the study programme coherently with the instructions ofthe Academic Bodies.
Learning outcomes are achieved throughadvanced teaching methods combining theoretical studies in the fields ofmathematics, statistics and probability with more vocational aspects linked tothe management of financial risks, credit risks and insurance risks, and theprofession of actuary and pension fund experts. Moreover, the need to reconciletheoretical knowledge with practical studies aiming to meet the needs of thelabour market is assured by cooperation with an important insurance groupworking nationally and in Europe. Through this cooperation, course units inActuarial techniques (nonlife and life) are taught by a group of insuranceprofessionals.
Finally, the elective activities in theprogramme include an internship, and students are strongly recommended to usethis opportunity to put the knowledge they have gained into practice.
Admission to the 2nd cycledegree programme is subject to the possession of the prescribed curricularrequirements and to the passing of a test to assess the students' personalcompetencies and skills.
To be able to profitably follow the 2ndcycle degree programme in StatisticalFinancial and Actuarial Sciences, students must possess the following knowledgein the field of:
• Mathematics. Fundamentals of generalmathematics. Matrix algebra. Elements of financial mathematics.
- Statistics. Fundamentals of descriptivestatistics. Fundamentals of probability calculation and statistical inference.Linear model, fundamentals of analysis of historical series and multivariatestatistics.
- Economics. Fundamentals of economics andeconometrics.
- English language. Knowledge to level B1.
Admission to the 2nd cycledegree programme is subject to the possession of the following curricularrequirements:
1. A 1st cycle degree in one of thefollowing classes, or other suitable qualification
obtained abroad:
ex Italian Ministerial Decree no. 270:Class L-41:
ex. Italian Ministerial Decree no. 509/99:Class 37
2. A 1st cycle degree in one ofthe following classes, or other suitable qualification obtained abroad:
ex D.M.270:
L-18Business administration
L-31Computer Science
L-36Political science and international relations
L-40 Sociology
ex. D.M. 509/99:
19 PublicAdministration
17Economics and management
26 ComputerScience
32 Mathematics
15Political science and international relations
And candidates must have obtained the following minimum credits:
Statistical-mathematical area
24 ECTS overall are required in the following subjectareas:
SECS-S/06 -Mathematics for Economics, Actuarial Studies and Finance
MAT/02 -Algebra
MAT/03 -Geometry
MAT/05Mathematical Analysis
MAT/06 -Probability and Mathematical Statistics
MAT/07 -Mathematical Physics
MAT/08 -Numerical Analysis
MAT/09 -Operational Research
SECS-S/01 -Statistics
SECS-S/02 -Statistics for Experimental and Technological Research
SECS-S/03 -Statistics for Economics
SECS-S/05 -Social Statistics
SECS-S/04 –Demographics
16 ECTS overall are required in thefollowing subject areas:
SECS-S/06 -Mathematics for Economics, Actuarial Studies and Finance
SECS-S/01 -Statistics
SECS-S/02 -Statistics for Experimental and Technological Research
SECS-S/04 –Demographics
SECS-S/05 -Social Statistics
16 ECTS overall are required in thefollowing subject areas:
SECS-P/01 -Political Economy
SECS-P/02 -Economic Policy
SECS-P/03 -Finance
SECS-P/05 -Econometrics
SECS-P/06 -Applied Economics
SECS-P/07 -Business Administration
SECS-P/08 -Corporate Finance
SECS-P/09 -Financial Management
For which at least 8 ECTS overall arerequired in the following subject areas
SECS-P/01 -Political Economy
SECS-P/02 -Economic Policy
SECS-P/03 -Finance
SECS-P/05 -Econometrics
SECS-P/06 -Applied Economics
If credits have been obtained in othersimilar subject areas to those listed, the Degree Programme Board reserves theright to establish and approve the equivalence of the credits obtained in thisway.
If no degree certificate and/orabove-mentioned credits have been obtained, admission to a 2nd CycleDegree Programme is subject to a preliminary assessment by a Board to ascertainthe required skills and competencies through the evaluation of the applicant'scurriculum and, if necessary, an interview.
The Board, appointed by the DegreeProgramme Board, will establish a calendar for the interviews, which will be publishedon the degree programme website.
If the Board considers the candidates'level of knowledge and skills to be satisfactory, graduates will be allowed toenrol in a test to assess their personal competences and skills.
Admission to the degree programme issubject to the assessment of knowledge and skills in the English language, tolevel B1.
Students holding a corresponding languagecertification may be exempted from sitting this exam.
The Degree Programme may require studentsto recover any initial deficit in the event of them being assessed to belowlevel B1 on admission.
Admission to the 2nd CycleDegree Programme is subject to the possession of the described curricularrequirements and to the passing of a test to assess the students' personalcompetences and skills, which will be done in one of the following ways:
Students with a degree as described in theprevious point shall be deemed to have passed the assessment with a degreescore of at least 95/110.
For students without a degree as describedin the previous point or with a degree score of less than 95/110, personalcompetencies and skills are assessed by the Board mentioned above, based on thecandidates' curriculum, and any other documentation presented by the candidateor deemed useful by the Board.
The Board, appointed by the DegreeProgramme Board, will establish a calendar for the interviews, which will bepublished on the University website.
If the Board considers the level of thecandidate's knowledge and skills to be satisfactory, they will be permitted toenrol in the 2nd cycle degree programme in Statistical Financial andActuarial Sciences.
3. For graduates from previous four-yeardegree programmes, admission to the 2nd Cycle Degree Programme issubject to a preliminary assessment by the Board indicated in the previouspoint, to ascertain the required skills and competencies through the assessmentof the candidates' curriculum and possibly an interview.
The Board, appointed by the DegreeProgramme Board, will establish a calendar for the interviews, which will bepublished on the degree programme website.
If the Board considers the level of thecandidate's knowledge and skills to be satisfactory, they will be permitted toenrol in the 2nd cycle degree programme in Statistical Financial andActuarial Sciences.
A special Admissions session may be heldfor international students, with a Board appointed to assess the candidates'personal competencies and skills; this session will be compatible with theschedule established in the call for applications for study grants (whichindicatively expires in May).