Credits/hours conversion
The above indicated credits correspond to Italian CFU and to European ECTS. The typical courses lengths for this study plan based on the credits conversion into classes hours are as follows:
- 4 credits = 24 hours
- 6 credits = 30 hours
- 10 credits = 60 hours
Classes are organised in 10 weeks by semester, and each semester is divided in two terms, so a 6 credits course typically corresponds to a term, and a 10 credits course to a semester with 6 hours per week.
Free credits
In all the teaching plans there are 10 elective credits that can be used by the student to personalise her/his study plan according to personal interests. Elective credits can be used for choosing any course among all those available in English which are coherent with the Degree Programme Teaching regulations and the learning outcomes of the degree programme. For example, students could choose a course of 10 credits or two courses of 6+6 credits. Students are encouraged to select, as elective credits, the optional courses of this degree programme which were not included as a first choice in the study plan.
The final examination consists in the discussion, in front of a Committee, of a written dissertation elaborated by the student, in English, on a topic agreed with a Committee member. The thesis can be related to an internship in a public or private institution.