The second-cycle degree programme in VisualArts is structured in such a way as to offer students the opportunity toacquire the necessary skills to be successfully integrated into a trainingcontext related to the professions of curator, museum curator and art expert,or to the cultural profile of expert in cultural mediation and enhancement ofhistorical and artistic heritage. Master's degree graduates have a solidhistorical and artistic background in the various areas of visual arts, both ina diachronic perspective from the Middle Ages to the contemporary Age, and as areconstruction of synchronic relationships also in an international context,and especially in Europe, with a focus on architectural and urban aspects.
Historical knowledge is combined withmethodological and artistic knowledge in order to provide different ways ofanalysing and interpreting artistic phenomena in all their manifestations, andspecific skills are acquired with regard to the use of the various historicaland critical methods that characterise the discipline. In dealing with theseaspects, students have the opportunity to complete their study of Visual Arts,with course units focused on museology, curatorship and methods ofinterpretation, set-up and use of the arts, with notions of cultural heritagelegislation, cultural management and with knowledge and competencies, includingdigital ones, specific to the areas of human sciences, which are useful inrelation to the various professional profiles that the two year master's programmeis aimed at.
To this end, the curriculum offers studentsthe opportunity to delve into the three areas of learning of the degreeprogramme: historical and artistic, methodological and artistic, andarchitectural and urbanistic. The in-depth study of these differentdisciplinary areas guides students through various areas of learning and thecourse units include both specific and related subject areas.
The latter offer the opportunity to gainuniversity educational credits in historical and artistic areas and in humanand social science areas, which are traditionally linked to this type ofeducation, or also digital and legal management of artistic heritage. Theprogramme also allows students to acquire or improve skills in one or moreforeign languages.
Students will be able to delve into theartistic, architectural and methodological aspects of the subject areas theyare interested in. The offer of internships and laboratories is functional tothe achievement of a balance between knowledge and skills, between historicaland theoretical knowledge, carefully applied to museum or curatorshipactivities and for the development of transversal competencies.
In addition, students put their analyticaland communicative skills in the art world into practice by producing writtentexts and using a specific disciplinary language.
The learning process ends with a finalexamination, which involves discussing a dissertation on a subject consistentwith the chosen learning curriculum in front of a specially appointed committee.
The Degree Programme includes theorganisation of conventions, conferences, seminars and research trainingworkshops with the participation of external academic staff, also from foreignuniversities and institutions, and of international professionals working inthe field, complementing the teaching activities implemented through frontallessons, thus expanding the programme catalogue by developing a dynamicrelationship between scientific research, teaching and participatory teachingactivities.
Admission requirements
To benefit from a second-cycle master'sdegree in Visual Arts, candidates need:
- a broad knowledge of the humanities sothat they can historically place episodes in art, from the Middle Age to theContemporary Age;
- a knowledge of methodology, and the basicissues of preserving and enhancing artworks and cultural artefacts;
- ability to write and speak correctly,
- ability to use the main ICT applications
- a knowledge of a second Europeanlanguage.
Admission to the second cycle degree/twoyear master in Visual Arts requires possession of a bachelor's degree orthree-year university diploma, or any other degree obtained abroad, recognisedas suitable.
Additionally, candidates must meet thecurricular requirements and pass the assessment of personal knowledge andskills.
Curricular requirements:
1.a) A degree in one of the followingclasses:
Ex DM 270/04:
L-1 Cultural heritage
L-3 Visual arts, music, performing arts andfashion studies
L-4 Industrial design
L-5 Philosophy
L-10 Humanities
L-11 Modern languages and civilisations
L-15 Tourism
L-17 Architecture
L-19 Education and training
L-20 Communication
L-40 Sociology
L-42 History
L-43 Conservation and restoration ofcultural heritage
ExDM 509/1999:
4 Architectureand construction engineering
5 Humanities
11 Modern languages and civilisations
13 Cultural heritage studies
14 Communication studies
18 Education sciences and teacher education
23 Visual arts, music, performing arts andfashion studies
29 Philosophy
36 Sociology
38 History
39 Tourism
41 Technologies for conservation andrestoration of cultural assets
1.b) Academy of Fine Arts academic diploma(1° level) ex lege 508/99
1.c) Foreign students must have gained a qualification recognised as suitable.
In either case enrolment is subject to thecandidate's having in their previous university career gained at least 50 CFUin one or more of the following subject areas: L-ART, L-ANT, M-STO, M-FIL.
L-ART/01 History of Medieval Art
L-ART/02 History of Modern Art
L-ART/03 History of Contemporary Art
L-ART/04 Museology and Art and RestorationCriticism
L-ART/05 Performing Arts
L-ART/06 Cinema, Photography and Television
ICAR/18 History of Architecture
L-ANT/07 Classic Archaeology
M-STO/02 Modern History
M-STO/04 Contemporary History
M-FIL/04 Aesthetics
L-FIL-LET/10 Italian Literature
of which at least 18 CFU in the followingsubject areas (SSD): L-ART/01, L-ART/02, L-ART/03, L-ART/04, ICAR/18.
Assessment of personal competencies andskills
Admission to the master's degree programme requires candidates to pass anassessment of personal competencies that will be held according to the methodsdefined in the degree programme teaching regulations.
Knowledge of English level B1 (CERF) isrequired.