Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Visual Arts

Course structure diagrams for students enrolled a.y. 2020/21

First Year

01. Un insegnamento da 12 cfu a scelta tra: (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90600 Medieval Art A (LM) I. C.
29006  Forms and Functions of Medieval Art (1) (2nd cycle) L-ART/01 6
90612  Medieval Art in Europe (1) (LM) L-ART/01 6
90602 Medieval Art B (LM) I. C.
90603  Contexts and Meanings of Medieval Art (1) (LM) L-ART/01 6
90604  History of the Miniature (1) (LM) L-ART/01 6

02. Un insegnamento da 12 cfu a scelta tra: (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90605 Modern Art A (LM) I. C.
29533  Iconography and Iconology (1) (LM) L-ART/02 6
90613  Painting in Modern Age (1) (LM) L-ART/02 6
90607 Modern Arte B (LM) I. C.
30474  Comparative History of European Arts in the Modern Age (1) (LM) L-ART/02 6
90610  Sculpture in Modern Age (1) (LM) L-ART/02 6

03. Un insegnamento da 12 cfu a scelta tra: (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90614 Contemporary Art A (LM) I. C.
90615  Forms and Functions of Contemporary Art (1) (LM) L-ART/03 6
27835  Theory and Practice of Photography (1) (LM) L-ART/03 6
90617 Contemporary Art B (LM) I. C.
87338  Art in Europe Between the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (1) (LM) L-ART/03 6
29012  Phenomenology of Contemporary Art (1) (2nd cycle) L-ART/03 6

04. Due insegnamenti a scelta tra: (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90619 Art and Museum Education (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6
85077 Museology and Collection Studies (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6
28468 Semiotics of the Visible (1) (2nd cycle) L-ART/04 6
87339 Teaching of Visual Arts (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6

05. Un insegnamento a scelta tra: (6 CFU)

a) Ambito storico-artistico (max limit 6 CFU)
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
29638 Archaeology and History of Ancient Greek Art (1) (LM) L-ANT/07 6
30341 Archaeology and History of Ravenna and Byzantine Art (1) (LM) L-ANT/08 6
90620 Conservative Prevention and Restoration (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6
29011 Historical Avant-garde and Neo-Avant-garde Movements (1) (2nd cycle) L-ART/03 6
90621 History of Drawing (1) (LM) L-ART/02 6
b) Ambito delle scienze umane e sociali (max limit 6 CFU)
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
27853 Audiovisual Forms of the Popular Culture (1) (LM) L-ART/06 6
89984 Comparative History in the Contemporary Age (1) (LM) M-STO/04 6
28484 Contemporary Italian Literature (1) (LM) L-FIL-LET/11 6
29473 Economic and Social History of the Middle Age (1) (LM) M-STO/01 6
72518 Ethnosemiotics (1) (LM) M-FIL/05 6
81693 History of Anthropology (1) (LM) M-DEA/01 6
29027 Italian Medieval Literature (1) (LM) L-FIL-LET/10 6
28483 Modern Italian Literature (1) (LM) L-FIL-LET/10 6
89985 Narrations of Political-Cultural Crises in the Contemporary Age (1) (LM) M-STO/04 6
30578 Theatrical Iconography (1) (LM) L-ART/05 6
85078 Theory and Practice of Education (1) (LM) M-PED/01 6
c) Ambito gestionale e giuridico dei beni storico-artistici (max limit 6 CFU)
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
34381 Computer Science for Archive Keeping (1) (LM) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 M-STO/08 6
81578 Cultural Heritage and Activities Law (1) (LM) IUS/10 6
84211 Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (1) (LM) M-STO/08 6
90623 Environmental Emergencies and Recovery of Cultural Heritage (1) (LM) M-STO/04 6
90624 Historical-Artistic Heritage Management (1) (LM) SECS-P/08 6

06. Una idoneità linguistica a scelta da 6 cfu tra: (6 CFU)

cfu ? Credits
26337 English Language Test B - 2 6
26357 French Language Test B - 2 6
26345 German Language Test B - 2 6
26351 Spanish Language Test B - 2 6

06bis. Anticipo dell'attività di tirocinio prevista al II anno (max limit 6 CFU)

Gli studenti iscritti al I anno possono anticipare il tirocinio, previsto nel II anno, al termine del periodo delle lezioni del I anno.
cfu ? Credits
28119 Work Placement (1) )LM) 6

Second Year

07. Due insegnamenti a scelta tra: (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90619 Art and Museum Education (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6
90625 Baroque Art in Europe (1) (LM) L-ART/02 6
90621 History of Drawing (1) (LM) L-ART/02 6
85077 Museology and Collection Studies (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6
90626 Phenomenology of Applied Arts (1) (LM) L-ART/03 6
90627 Psychology of Art and Fruition of the Image (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6
28468 Semiotics of the Visible (1) (2nd cycle) L-ART/04 6
90628 Semiotics of the Visible: Practices (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6

08. Un insegnamento a scelta tra: (6 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
81574 Contemporary Architecture (1) (LM) ICAR/18 6
78168 Medieval and Modern Architecture (1) (LM) ICAR/18 6
90629 Theories and Practices of Art and Architecture (1) (LM) ICAR/18 6

09. Un insegnamento a scelta tra: (6 CFU)

a) Ambito storico-artistico (max limit 6 CFU)
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
29638 Archaeology and History of Ancient Greek Art (1) (LM) L-ANT/07 6
30341 Archaeology and History of Ravenna and Byzantine Art (1) (LM) L-ANT/08 6
90620 Conservative Prevention and Restoration (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6
81574 Contemporary Architecture (1) (LM) ICAR/18 6
78168 Medieval and Modern Architecture (1) (LM) ICAR/18 6
87339 Teaching of Visual Arts (1) (LM) L-ART/04 6
90629 Theories and Practices of Art and Architecture (1) (LM) ICAR/18 6
b) Ambito gestionale e giuridico dei beni storico-artistici (max limit 6 CFU)
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
34381 Computer Science for Archive Keeping (1) (LM) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 M-STO/08 6
81578 Cultural Heritage and Activities Law (1) (LM) IUS/10 6
84211 Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (1) (LM) M-STO/08 6
90623 Environmental Emergencies and Recovery of Cultural Heritage (1) (LM) M-STO/04 6
90624 Historical-Artistic Heritage Management (1) (LM) SECS-P/08 6

10. Una attività formativa a scelta tra: (6 CFU)

Se non si è anticipato il tirocinio al I anno.
cfu ? Credits
27928 Laboratory (1) (LM) 6
28119 Work Placement (1) )LM) 6



Puoi scegliere fra quattro diverse modalità di svolgimento della prova finale. tre di queste opzioni ti consentono di acquisire parte dei 18 CFU stabiliti per la prova finale differenziando le attività dedicate allo svolgimento del tuo lavoro.
A) Prova finale (18 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
29429 Final Examination (LM) 18
B) Prova finale (6 CFU) con preparazione all'estero (12 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86235 Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM) 6
86263 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (12 CFU) (LM) 12
C) Prova finale (6 CFU) con Tirocinio in preparazione alla prova finale (12 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86235 Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM) 6
81583 Internship to Prepare for the Final Examination (LM) 12
D) Prova finale (6 CFU) con Tirocinio all'estero in preparazione alla prova finale (12 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86235 Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM) 6
86280 Internship Abroad for Preparation for the Final Examination (12 CFU) (LM) 12