All exams are held in person.
Teachers will assess student requests to take exams online taking into consideration health conditions, international mobility issues, and impediments due to extraordinary reasons. Instructions for taking online exams.
- 20-Dec-24, 9.00-14.00: Statistical and Mathematical Methods for Artificial Intelligence (Elena Loli), Lab4
- 21-Dec-24, 9.00-13.00: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation - M1 (Michela Milano), 6.1+6.2
- 7-Jan-25, 9.00-14.00: Statistical and Mathematical Methods for Artificial Intelligence (Elena Loli), Lab4+Lab9
- 9-Jan-25, 9.00-13.00: Languages and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence - M1 (Michel Lodi), Lab 4
- 13-Jan-25, 9.00-13-00: Machine Learning and Data Mining (Claudio Sartori), Lab4+Lab9
- 15-Jan-25, 9.00-13.00: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation - M2 (Federico Chesani), 6.1+6.2
- 17-Jan-25, 9.00-11.30: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation - M3 (Paolo Torroni), Lab4+Lab9
- 21-Jan-25, 9.00-13.00: Languages and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence - M2 (Maurizio Gabbrielli), 6.1
- 23-Jan-25, 9.00-12.00: Cognition and Neuroscience (Giuseppe Di Pellegrino), Lab4
- 24-Jan-25, 9.00-14.00: Statistical and Mathematical Methods for Artificial Intelligence (Elena Loli), Lab4+Lab9
- 14-Jan-25, 9.00-13.00: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation - M1 (Michela Milano), 6.1+6.2
- 29-Jan-25, 9.00-13.00: Languages and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence - M1 (Michel Lodi), Lab 4
- 4 - Feb-25, 9.00-13.00: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation - M1 (Michela Milano), 6.1+6.2
- 5-Feb-25, 9.00-13.00: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation - M2 (Federico Chesani), 6.1+6.2
- 7-Feb-25, 9.00-13.00: Languages and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence - M3 (Ugo Dal Lago), Lab4
- 10-Feb-25, 9.00-11.30: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation - M3 (Paolo Torroni), Lab4+Lab9
- 12-Feb-25, 9.00-13.00: Languages and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence - M2 (Maurizio Gabbrielli), 6.1
- 14-Feb-25, 9.00-13-00: Machine Learning and Data Mining (Claudio Sartori), Lab4+Lab9