The two-year Master in ArtificialIntelligence addresses the growing demand from the most advanced manufacturingsectors to train highly qualified professionals specialising in artificialintelligence methods and tools, who are therefore capable of designing,implementing and managing highly innovative products and services.
Specifically, an Artificial Intelligencespecialist has organic skills in sectors that use artificial intelligence,further developed in an interdisciplinary context, covering a broad range ofpossible application domains, thus fostering innovation in diverse fields. Infact, computer science and technology are the foundation of artificialintelligence, alongside strong statistical and mathematical bases, and requiresfurther study of both scientific and engineering ideas and concepts, as well asinterdisciplinary contributions.
The learning outcome of the course ispursued by structuring learning areas that are consistent with the competenciesthat the professional to be trained must possess. In particular, the curriculumis designed as a continuation of first cycle science and computer engineeringdegree programmes. The nature of the discipline of artificial intelligence andits interdisciplinary approach makes the curriculum suitable also for studentsof other degree programmes who have received solid basic scientific training.Consistency in training is ensured by the presence in the course structurediagram of educational activities that vary according to the type of degree andthe student's former curriculum.
From a methodological point of view, thetraining plan is divided into three thematic areas:
- Propaedeutic activities focused on basicspecific knowledge. With these activities, most of which are mandatory, thecourse aims to provide solid, transversal scientific and cultural training,combined with skills in fundamental and application areas of artificialintelligence such as machine learning, computer vision, natural languageprocessing, data science, optimisation and decision support systems.
- Learning activities aimed at providingtransversal knowledge. In particular, from the interdisciplinary perspectivetypical of artificial intelligence, the curriculum also includes topics relatedto cognitive neuroscience and ethical and social issues applied to automateddecisions.
- A choice of learning activities focusingon domains, techniques and more specialised applications. The many differentcourses offered focusing on the domains, techniques and more specialisedapplications of artificial intelligence ensure a flexible curriculum and itsadaptability to various employment contexts.
The training of Artificial Intelligencespecialists is integrated with laboratory experiences, design activities andindustrial internships, and is completed by developing and masteringcommunication and autonomous learning skills, which are considered essentialfor a professional career linked to scientific and technological innovation inartificial intelligence. It also offers the opportunity to attend seminars andsoft skills courses. The curriculum is taught in English, allowing access alsoto students from all around the world and thus encouraging the exchange ofknowledge in an international context.
At the end of the degree programme,students will obtain a Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, class LM-32(Computer Engineering) or class LM-18 (Computer Science), according to theiraptitude and their employment prospects, which can range from the world ofcompanies and services to the world of theoretical and applied research. Thedegree programme grants students access to third cycle studies (PhD programmesand Specialisation Schools) and Professional Master's Programmes (2nd Level).