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Weather alert for Thursday, 19 September

The weather alert affects the entire Multicampus territory. Check the University closures.

I Level professional Master Outdoor Education: join the online open day

The Master's programme prepares teachers, educators and social workers to enhance urban spaces and green areas to create cultural, educational and inclusive experiences. September 26, MS Teams.

Award for thesis on “Stories of Humanity” in the third sector

The Italian Red Cross announces 1 thesis award of € 1,500 on the role of third sector Entities in promoting the values of humanity, solidarity and cooperation. Deadline September 30, 2024.

Awards for final thesis on the subject of analysis and/or evaluation of public policies implemented on a regional basis

The Regional Council of Lombardia announces 3 awards of €2000, €1800 and €1500 to encourage the dissemination of public policy evaluation. Deadline September 27, 2024

Join the Field Work programme

You can spend an international mobility carrying out “field work” activities at NGOs (non-governmental organisations) or other actors active in development cooperation.

AI Video Contest - participate by 20 September

Produce a short video on the topic of artificial intelligence or made using AI. The winners will receive a cash prize, and their video will be showcased during AlmaMater Fest 2024.

Integrate your university studies with transferable skills

Acquire knowledge and skills that can enhance your workplace relationships. You can enrol in the transferable skills courses — free and online — until 7 October.

Rent subsidies for students enrolled in the a.y. 2024/25

To obtain the grant, read the announcement and check the participation requirements. Deadline: 29 November.

Notice for the Recognition of "Student-Athlete" Status

Balancing studies and a sports career is possible thanks to the Dual Career Status "Student-Athlete" programme. Submit your application on Studenti Online until 31 October.

3 awards for theses on the analysis and/or evaluation of public policies implemented at regional level

The Regional Council of Lombardy announces 3 prizes of €2000, €1800 and €1500 to encourage the dissemination of public policy evaluation. Deadline 27 September 2024

Grants for projects related to development cooperation

The Giovanni Lorenzin Association announces 3 grants of 2000€ each for dissertation projects on development cooperation. Deadline 20 September 2024

Balancing work and study

We provide you with a quality university education that can align with your work requirements. Find out how and when to apply.

10 awards for theses on finance and the local economy

IFEL announces 10 awards of €5,000 each for thesis on local finance and the local economy of municipalities. Deadline 30 September 2024

1 award for a thesis on accounting and auditing in local authorities

ANCREL announces 1 award of €1,500 in memory of Antonino Borghi for thesis on accounting and auditing in local authorities. Deadline 20 September 2024

The course timetables have been published

Take a look and start imagining your days at the University.

Competition for prizes within the 2024 Safety Week

If you have developed a project applicable to health and safety protection in digital work, participate in the competition from 1 to 30 September. A prize of 1,500 euros is up for grabs.

Looking for a place to stay while studying at the university?

We know finding accommodation can be tough and time-consuming, but don’t get discouraged. Here are some tips.


20 Sep 2024

Thesis' Goal without stress

09:30 - 13:30


Too early to think about your thesis? Find out why it’s not! A morning of online meetings to learn writing techniques and effectively organize your thesis.

from 28 Aug to 27 Sep 2024

Waiting for European Researchers' Night: guided tours and AperiScienza

Bologna - In presence event

In the run-up to the night dedicated to research, the city comes alive with numerous initiatives to promote science and culture.