Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Health economics and management



The European Degree in Health Economics and Management is strongly supported by future employers in international organizations, hospitals and care organizations, governmental agencies, and research institutions.


Due to the international aspect of the programme future employers may include organizations like pharmaceutical companies, aid organizations, health insurers, regulatory agencies and UN organizations. These employers ask for highly and internationally trained staff in the fields of health economics, policy analyses and health management.


Large hospitals and integrated care organizations anticipate a growing demand for employees who are explicitly trained in EU policy and law. Ministries of Health and other governmental agencies anticipate the need for internationally trained staff to govern and facilitate a possible integration of EU health care systems and services in the future. Furthermore, both commercial research organizations and universities are highly international in their scope and orientation.

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Corso di Health Economics and Management - codice 5902
Professional profiles professional profile This content is not currently available Continuing to study It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di… Read more