The European Master in Health Economics and Management (Eu-HEM) offers a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary studies of methods and health economics, management, leadership, health policy, governance and law at four leading European universities. The Eu-HEM prepares you to be employed in staff and executive positions in organisations and institutions involved in healthcare provision. A key to a career in this sector is awareness of the societal relevance of healthcare and the implied constraints imposed by regulations and the law, which are all elements you will achieve with this degree. Upon successful completion of the Eu-HEM, you will be awarded a European Joint Degree and a Joint Diploma in: European Master in Health Economics and Management, recognised by all four universities. The names of the national degrees differ, but will be described in the Joint Diploma Supplement.
Erasmus+ Mobility Grant
The Erasmus Programme is a European Union student exchange programme established in 1987. Erasmus+ is the new programme combining all the EU’s current schemes for education. Students who join the Erasmus+ study at least 3 months to an academic year in another European country. Students may be awarded an Erasmus+ EU grant to help cover the travel and subsistence costs incurred in connection with their study period abroad.