Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts


The curricular internship is a training experience, included in the study plan of the degree programme, aimed at completing academic education through practical experiences.

What is an internship

The internship activity is an experience planned to complete your academic education with practical work at companies, public offices or labs within the University of Bologna.

The final semester of the GIOCA Master Program consists of a curricular internship​ activity based on a deep-contact experience within an artistic or cultural organization in public or private administration. It provides an opportunity for all students to enhance their academic knowledge with field experience, related to their career interest, in a variety of settings, coherently with the objectives of the GIOCA Master Program. 

Types of internships included in your Degree Programme

The Degree Programme includes one mandatory Internship starting from March (at the secon year) to be chosen between:

  • Internship Abroad for Preparation for the Final Examination to acquire 14 CFU for 350 hours
  • Internship  for Preparation for the Final Examination to acquire 14 CFU for 350 hours

The aim of such mandatory internship has to be consistent with the dissertation topic and agreed with the supervisor, the internship​ activity should be based on a deep-contact experience within an artistic or cultural organization in public or private administration.

Students are required to dedicate 3-6 months (350 working hours) to the internship and upon its completion they are assigned ​14 credits (ECTS) on the study plan.
It can be either part time or full time according to the hosting organization.

You can also add to your study plan an additional elective internship:

  • Internship among the electives to acquire 8 CFU for 200 hours. It can start during the fist year from June to September or during your second year from March. 

Important: You can carry out the your mandatory Internship and the internship to be chosen among the electives in two different organizations or in the same one, you will need to set up two procedures in both cases.

When can you apply

You can set up your mandatory Internship starting from March of the second year, after the end of the classes and after selecting it in your study plan (please read the information on how to modify the study plan).

You can set up your elective Internship during the fist year from June to September or from March of the second year, after the end of the classes and after selecting it in your study plan (please read the information on how to modify the study plan).

Internship Academic Tutor: Prof. Paolo Ferri

What to do at the end of the internship

At the end of the internship, you have to upload on SOL-Internships all the pages of the attendance sheet, which has to be filled in and signed.

Then, you will be directed to the online final evaluation form. Once the attendance sheet and the online final evaluation form is completed, the Internship office will validate the activity and your Academic Tutor (Prof. Paolo Ferri) will be able to register your ​internship.

!! It is necessary to book a "registration session" on AlmaEsami  for the registration of the internship --> Registration dates are available under Prof. Paolo Ferri exams' dates on Almaesami!!

*** PLEASE, upload the attendance sheet and wait for its validation before booking the registration session on ALMA ESAMI.***