Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Legal studies

Request for the recognition of university credits for working, extra-curricular, other activities

How to present your request

If you have carried out a working experience or an experience beyond University consistent to the degree programme learning activities you can ask for the recognition of these activities as a curricular internship.

You can submit a request for recognition whenever you want as long as this condition is satisfied:

-the internship activity must be entered in the study plan.

Important: The maximum number of credits that can be recognised for curricular internships is 12.

In order to apply for recognition you must submit to the Student Administration Office the following documents (available among attachments):

1) application form for recognition of extracurricular activities;   

2) declaration of performed activities issued by the host organisation;

3) report on the activities carried out arranged by the student.

The documents must be sent by post at the attention of the Student Administration Office at the following address: Via Zamboni 33 – 40126 Bologna  or you can arrange an appointment to hand in the documents personally. (At the moment it's not possible to send the documents via e-mail)

The request for recognition is evaluated by the Board of the degree programme, in accordance with the Internship Board.

The outcome of the evaluation and the updating of the career is communicated by the Student Administration Office max. within 60 days from the submission of the request.

For information about the status of your request, you can contact the tutor or the programme coordinator of the course.



- If you are about to graduate please keep in mind the date by which you must have all your credits registered (those coming from the recognition too).

- the credits recognised can impact the examination of the merit requirements to obtain the total exemption or the calculation of the student contribution based on economic status and merit.

- You cannot ask for recognition of activites performed in host organisation whose legal manager, member or director/supervisor/person in charge has family bonds (2° degree of kinship) with you.

- You can’t submit request for extracurricular activites already recognised by University.