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Notice board


Unibo for Refugees - scholarships

Ten scholarships are available for those who have already received an ER.GO, UNICORE, or CRUI scholarship for the academic year 2023/24. Deadline: 8 August.

Have you ever thought about becoming a Peer mentor?

150 paid hours per year, with flexible hours, to support students with Disabilities and SLD at the university. Apply for the call. Deadline: 1 August.

9 awards for theses on the food supply and forestry chain

"Legacoop Agroalimentare" with other associated companies announces 9 awards of € 2000 for theses about innovation in food supply and forestry chains. Deadline 31 July 2024.

1 award for a thesis on sustainability reporting

The City of Milan announces the 'Giovanni Marra' thesis prize of € 5,000 on the integration of sustainability in public, private and private social organisations. Deadline 9 July 2024.

What do you think about our University?

Your opinion will guide actions to improve it. Spend a few minutes on the online survey.

Call for the awarding of 1 prize for a thesis on ethics applied to economics

The City of Milan awards 1 prize worth € 5.000 in memory of Giorgio Ambrosoli for a thesis about the relationship between legal and criminal economy. Deadline 9 July 2024

Call for applications for the "Calanchi Turrini" award for theses on the themes and principles of cooperation

Legacoop Bologna with Ivano Barberini and Unipolis foundations awards 1 prize worth 3000 € aimed at enhancing cooperative culture and investigating cooperative organisational forms. Deadline 15/09/24

6 awards for theses about innovation of food supply chains and new production models and food systems

Rural Hack and Image Line announce 6 "Agrifood Future Awards" of € 2.000, 1.500 and 1.000 for theses about innovation in food supply chains and the impact on the environment. Deadline 30 June 2024

Call for 2 awards for unpublished papers and theses on agriculture of the future

The Gian Paolo Tosoni Foundation awards 2 prizes worth € 2,500 and € 1,500 about agriculture of the future in the legislative field. Deadline 30 June 2024

Contributions for contributions for health costs for non-resident students

If you are a non-resident student at the University of Bologna and you have an ISEE not exceeding €35,000.00, you can apply for the competition to request contributions. Application deadline: 11 July.

3 Degree awards about 'Protection of intellectual property'

Studio Torta awards 3 prizes worth 2000 € each for theses about protection and appreciation of intellectual property. Deadline 31 July 2024

Degree award about cooperation

Legacoop Bologna awards a prize of € 3000 entitled to Luciano Calanchi and Adriano Turrini for a Master's thesis promoting cooperative culture. Deadline 15 September 2024

International Talents @Unibo

Unibo awards 80 scholarships to deserving international students who wish to enrol in degree programmes in the a. y. 2024/25.

Discover the Course Structure Diagram for A.Y. 2024/2025

Are you interested in our Master's degree programme? Get all the information and preview the 2024/2025 course structure diagram!

Erasmus+ Study a.y. 2024-25 Presentation

Presentation of the new Erasmus+ Study a.y. 24-25 call for application on 23/01/2024 h.11:00.

The Call for Application is open!

The Call for Application for A.Y 2024/2025 is now online! Don't miss your chance to apply

Discover all the seminars activated for A.Y. 2023/2024

Seminars provide students with a thorough view of the specific subjects of current research in legal studies.


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