Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and econometrics

Lecture halls, laboratories and libraries

The degree programme facilities include various structures and areas that help you to carry out your learning activities, supporting you in your studies and professional and cultural research.

Lecture rooms

Lecture rooms of the School are located in Piazza Scaravilli 2 (12 rooms), Piazza Scaravilli 1/1 (1 room), Via Belle Arti 41 (4 rooms), Via Belle Arti 33 (1 room), Via Ranzani 14/B (4 rooms), Via Ranzani 1 (5 rooms), Via San Giacomo3 (1 room) e Viale Filopanti 5 (1 room). Lecture rooms may differ in size and equipment, though the university wifi services are accessible in all rooms.
Please refer to the attached file for room specifics.


The School hosts four computer clusters for both class use and private study:

  • Lab Scaravilli, Piazza Scaravilli 2, 1st floor (77 seats)
  • Lab G, Via Ranzani 1, 1st floor (43 seats)
  • Lab T, Via Ranzani 1, 1st floor (18 spots)
  • Lab PT, Via Ranzani 1, Ground floor (10 spots)

Please refer to the attached file for the computer lab specifics.

Study areas

The School includes dedicated study areas:

  • 3 study areas in the Piazza Scaravilli 2 building (1st and 2nd floor);
  • 1 study area in via Belle Arti 41, ground floor;
  • 1 small room for study groups (max. capacity: 8) in via Belle Arti 41, 1st floor.  This room needs to be reserved at least one day in advance at the Via Belle Arti 41 reception desk or sending an email to 

There are more study areas scatterted all over town (check them here), in the Departmental Libraries (see below), as well as within the town libraries.


The University of Bologna offers an extensive network of structures, library and document reference services. In particular, These are the Deparmental libraries of the School:
Library W. Bigiavi
Library of the Department of Management
Library of the Department of Statistics "Paolo Fortunati"
Library of the Department of Economics

Also, check the complete list of University libraries.