A period of stay as a mobility student at another university enriches the student’s experience and extends the horizon. LM(EC)2 promotes and supports students international mobility for studies through dedicated mobility and exchange programs with foreign institutions.
Erasmus + programme:
Within the Erasmus + framework, LM(EC)2 has set up agreements for international mobility for studies with selected universities, offering learning activities particularly suitable for its students. Currently, the institutions involved in such agreements are:
- École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (Paris, France)
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (München, Germany)
- Université de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland)
- University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway)
- École Centrale Marseille (Marseille, France)
- École Normale Supérieure Lyon (Lyon, France)
Information on call for applications, deadlines, and procedures to apply is available at Erasmus + Study: programme, requirements and destinations
The reference person for LM(EC)2 Erasmus exchanges is Prof. Martin Gonzalez Eiras.
BESAP Programme:
LM(EC)2 has been selected by the University of California - Berkeley as one of the few institutions worldwide to participate in the BESAP program. The program offers LM(EC)2 students the opportunity to spend a semester (spring term) at the Department of Economics of the University of California - Berkeley during their second year.
The call for application for departures in an academic year takes place in the summer of the previous year and the link to it is published on this page, top right. For further information, please contact the Programme Director Prof. Francesca Barigozzi.
Further opportunities for studying abroad as an exchange student:
The University of Bologna offers extensive opportunities for spending a period of study abroad in Europe and outside Europe. For information on all the available opportunities see http://www.unibo.it/en/international/Studying-abroad