Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and econometrics

NEW! LMEC Alumni Community

LMEC was the previous name for LM(EC)2

4th LM(EC)² Reunion! 

LMEC organised the fourth LM(EC)² reunion on 22 July 2024. A huge thank you to everyone who participated! It was wonderful to see you and share such a fantastic experience together. A special thanks to our invited speakers, Gemma and David, our colleagues Enrico, Veronica, Luca, Denni, Alice, and Giacomo, and our student representatives, Emma, Tiziana, and Simone —your contributions made the event truly memorable.

Take a look at the event photos below!

Event Program for the 4th Alumni Reunion:

16:30: Welcome Addresses:

  • Paolo Vanin (Vice-Head of the Department of Economics)
  • Francesca Barigozzi (LM(EC)² Director)
  • Tiziana Simeoni, Simone Trambaiolo, Emma Giacomobono (Student Representatives)

16:45: Alumni Testimonials:

  • Gemma Dipoppa (Brown University, LMEC graduate 2014)
  • David Kovo (DG Competition, European Commission, LMEC graduate 2010)

18:00: Interactive Roundtable Dialogues

18:30: LM(EC)²  TABOO

19:00: Buffet

Gemma Dipoppa (LMEC graduate, 2014) is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Brown University. Her research examines contemporary challenges to states’ rule of law, focusing on organized crime, migration, and environmental degradation. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in the Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organizations, Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade. Before joining Brown, she received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania and she completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University.

David Kovo (LMEC graduate, 2010) has been a member of the Chief Economist team of DG Competition at the European Commission since 2014. He is also a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and a Visiting Lecturer at the executive courses of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. He has previously held Economist positions in the Economic Consulting team of Deloitte LLP in London and in the Goods and Consumers directorate of the UK Office of Fair Trading (currently Competition and Markets Authority). His experience spans across all aspects of the competition economics spectrum (mergers, anti-competitive agreements, abuses of dominance, and state aid), as well as regulatory and public policy matters. He has an undergraduate and master’s degree in Economics from the University of Bologna and a master’s degree in Economics from the London School of Economics.

3rd LMEC Reunion! 

LMEC organised the 3rd LMEC Reunion on July 9th, 2021 in the online mode.

It was a great occasion to establish and strengthen networks among LMEC Alumni/ae, share post-graduation experiences with current LMEC students to inspire their future professional choices, and virtually meet old and new friends.

Interested in reaching out to our former Alumni? In need of advice on how to get to that competitive Ph.D. program? Puzzled on how to make your way, say to the ECB? 

At LMEC, we are proud of the achievements of our former Alumni, who are now working at EU Institutions, managed to get accepted in competitive Ph.D. programs, and/or have been employed by top firms. We are also aware that mentorship is important. Therefore, in order to support our current students in their job/Ph.D. hunting, we have made available several tools that you can use to reach out to our former students.

First, you may subscribe to our Linkedin group. The group is also used to post internship and job opportunities of any kind. Second, we strongly recommend subscribing to the Alumni Community at-large of the University of Bologna; after logging in, you may be able to find the LMEC Chapter. 

Last, but not least, every two-three years we organize a reunion, which is certainly another great occasion to connect with former Alumni, discuss their projects and their career.  

The 4th LM(EC)² Reunion

Gemma Dipoppa

David Kovo

LM(EC)² Reunion activities

LM(EC) ² Reunion Activities

LM(EC) ² Reunion activities

First place

Second place

Third place

LMEC Reunion 2021 - the Video