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LM(EC)² Awards and Prizes


The Unibo Team has reached the finals at the Econometric Game 2024 in Amsterdam!

The Econometric Game has a long tradition and attracts teams from all over the world. This year’s edition took place in April 2024 in Amsterdam. The Unibo-Team, coached by Silvia Sarpietro and composed of two LMEC students (Samuele Borsini and Francesco Sbrana) and two Ph.D. students from the Ph.D. program in Economics (Claudio Lissona and Caterina Alfonzo), reached the finals!

Congratulations to Samuele Borsini and Francesco Sbrana!


LM(EC)students were guest of the TV-show “Inchieste da Fermo” held by Federico Rampini! 

LM(EC)2 students have been invited to participate to the TV show “Inchieste da fermo” by Federico Rampini! 

Students had the possibility to engage in an active discussion on the role of United States and China in today’s economic world. 

Thank you to all LM(EC)2 students (in the photo below) that accepted to participate to this exciting event:

Mario Ballardini, Mattia Banin, Francesco De Alberti, Antonella Fabrizio, Nizar Fatihi, Emma Giacomobono, Caterina Massarenti, Matteo Masullo, Vittoria Ricci, Francesco Viglietta, Aurora Vancini, Alonso Javier Zuniga Irigoin. 

Don’t miss the two episodes on Tuesday 20th and 27th of June, at 9.15 pm on LA7 TV channel! 

-> Click here to watch the first episode (20th of June - ENTIRE) 

-> Click here to watch LM(EC)contributions to the debate of the first episode (20th of June - STUDENTS CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY) 

The Unibo Team ranked second at the Econometric Game 2023 in Amsterdam!!!

The event is annually organized by the Study Association for Actuarial Science, Econometrics & Operational Research (VSAE) at the University of Amsterdam. Thirty prestigious universities from around the world participate in this event, sending delegations of their "expert" econometrics students: two students from master's degree programs, and two students from doctoral programs. The delegations compete in the beautiful city of Amsterdam over three intense days, tackling a topic - typically a real case, not easily solvable, and with important policy implications - selected by a specialized jury. The delegations have forty-eight hours to apply their knowledge of Econometrics and Data Science and write an article on the topic, and the top ten articles are then selected for presentation in the final round on the last day.


The Department of Economics made its debut in the Econometric Game in 2022. This year, in the 2023 edition, the Unibo Team consisted of two outstanding students from the Master's Degree Course in Economics and Econometrics, LM(EC)^2 (Virginia Pagliero and Francesco De Alberti), and two exceptional students from the Ph.D. in Economics (Filippo Pavanello and Claudio Lissona, a former LM(EC)^2 student). The Unibo Team was a tightly-knit group of students who shared a passion for quantitative economic analysis and were guided by the amazing coach Silvia Sarpietro.


With their unwavering determination and exceptional skills, they earned a fantastic second place, just behind the delegation from the University of Warsaw, and outshone formidable and prestigious competitors, including teams from Vrije Universitet, Harvard University, University of Cambridge, ENSAE, University of Oxford, University Amsterdam, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and many more.


The topic addressed in the 2023 edition was the issue of malnutrition in Africa, specifically the worrying phenomenon of infant mortality in the Sahel regions, which has reached alarming levels in recent years. The University of Bologna team was tasked with providing a predictive algorithm for this problem, bringing together their knowledge and creativity. The jury appreciated how the Unibo Team could complement the use of the most modern machine learning techniques for predictive purposes with careful policy analysis.


Congratulations to Virginia Pagliero and Francesco De Alberti!

AIBA Scholarship

This year AIBA (the Italian Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers) is funding two study awards for brilliant students enrolled in the international Master's Degree programs at the School of Economics and Management. The awards were granted by the Department of Economic Sciences, which evaluated around 40 applications from students.

The awards were handed out on April 3 at 5 pm by Dr. Matteo Scagliarini, a member of AIBA's Board of Directors, CEO of Scagliarini S.p.A., and also an alumnus of the School of Economics and Management. The recipients of the awards were Mattia Banin, enrolled in the first year of the international Master's Degree in Economics, and Filippo Petrini, enrolled in the first year of the international Master's Degree in International Management.


From left to right in the photo below, you'll see Prof. Michele Costa, the Director of the School of Economics and Management, followed by Filippo Petrini, Dr. Matteo Scagliarini, Mattia Banin, and Prof. Francesca Barigozzi, the Director of the Master's Degree in Economics.


Bank of Italy Scholarships

We are pleased to announce that two LMEC graduates have been awarded by Banca d'Italia (Bank of Italy) two prestigious scholarships: Andrea Salvanti has been awarded a "G. Mortara" scholarship; Federico Lenzi has been awarded a "B. Stringher" scholarship. LMEC alumna Matilde Faralli, currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Imperial College London, has been proclaimed particularly deserving. Both scholarships are meant to support further research abroad in the fields of economic policy and political economy. Congratulations to all of them!

AIBA Scholarship

We are pleased to announce that Camilla Cherubini has been awarded a scholarship by the Italian Association of Insurance Brokers. Congratulations!


LM(EC)² Awards and Prizes Album

AIBA Scholarship 2023

From left to right: Prof. Michele Costa, Filippo Petrini, Dr. Matteo Scagliarini, Mattia Banin, and Prof. Francesca Barigozzi (Director of LM(EC)²).

Econometric Game 2023

The Unibo Team ranked second at the Econometric Game 2023 in Amsterdam! Congratulations to Virginia Pagliero and Francesco De Alberti!

Inchieste da Fermo - Federico Rampini

LM(EC)^2 students were invited as guests of the talk show “Inchieste da Fermo” by Federico Rampini!

Econometrics game 2024