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The opportunity to build and strengthen networks among LMEC Alumnae/i and for current LMEC/LMEC^2 students to hear their post-grad experiences. Alumni Gemma Dipoppa and David Kovo as special guests.

22 July 2024 from 16:30 to 19:00

Auditorium of the Department of Economics - Piazza Scaravilli 2, Bologna - In presence event

We are pleased to announce that LM(EC)2 is organizing the 4th LMEC Reunion on July 22, 2024, starting at 4:30 pm at the Department of Economics, Unibo.

You are warmly invited to join us for this event! It will be an excellent opportunity to build and strengthen networks among LMEC Alumni/ae, share post-graduation experiences with current LMEC and LM(EC)2 students to inspire their future career paths, and reconnect with old friends while making new ones.

We are delighted to welcome two distinguished alumni, Gemma Dipoppa and David Kovo, as our special guests (please see their short bios here below).

Gemma Dipoppa (LMEC graduate, 2014) is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Brown University. Her research examines contemporary challenges to states' rule of law, focusing on organized crime, migration, and environmental degradation. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in the Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organizations, Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade. Before joining Brown, she received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania and she completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University.


David Kovo (LMEC graduate, 2010) has been a member of the Chief Economist team of DG Competition at the European Commission since 2014. He is also a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and a Visiting Lecturer at the executive courses of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. He has previously held Economist positions in the Economic Consulting team of Deloitte LLP in London and in the Goods and Consumers directorate of the UK Office of Fair Trading (currently Competition and Markets Authority). His experience spans across all aspects of the competition economics spectrum (mergers, anti-competitive agreements, abuses of dominance, and state aid), as well as regulatory and public policy matters. He has an undergraduate and master's degree in Economics from the University of Bologna and a master's degree in Economics from the London School of Economics.