Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and econometrics

Study Plan for Students enrolled in the a.y. 22-23


LMEC allows you to shape your study programme so that it matches your interests and ambitions. In the first year all your modules are set for you and mandatory. In the second it is requested that you make some choices, and pick optionals and electives. To do that in your second year you will have to fill in your individual study plan on StudentiOnline. Your study plan needs to be filled and submitted within certain periods in the year, and anyway before sitting the exams that you will include in it.

To fill it in, you will have to be in line with your tuition fee payments and, if you are a non-EU citizen, hold a valid residence permit.


Students can complete the Study Plan on Studenti On-Line ("Study Plan" button) in the following two periods: 

1st period:  from 28th September to 20th October 2023 (some non-LMEC activities, part of the "transferable skills" group, will be selectable on the study plan from the 9th of October 2023)

- from the 1st to the 15th of December 2023 exclusively for those 1st year students enrolled on a conditional basis

2nd period:
 from 11th January to 23rd February 2024

no exceptions to these intervals are possible


A) Optionals and choosing a track - for students enrolled in a.y. 22-23 cod. 8408

In your second year you will be asked to select 3 optional course units according to the track (Economics or Econometrics) that you will choose. In your course structure diagram you'll find them as 3 activities to be chosen among.
NB Once you choose a track, you will have to select courses from that track only, not a mix of courses from the two tracks. NB if you wish to choose 4+ courses from the same track, OR you wish to select courses from the other track, you can do that by choosing them within the "electives" box. Just click on the arrow next to "Insegnamento a scelta su CORSO 8408 - ECONOMICS"

B)  Language exams or the activity "seminars"

In your second year only you will have to choose between

  1. A language exam (B1 level) in French/Spanish/German, to be sat at the Unibo Language Centre. NB of course if you are a native speaker of one of such languages, you cannot take the related exam

  2. The activity “seminars”: the Department of Economics hosts every year a series of research seminars, led by invited speakers with international reputation. This choice since will allow you to be exposed to up-to-date  research, both theoretical and applied. You may find a list of the available seminars here (all are valid for the activity except the "PhD seminars"). Students choosing this activity should attend at least 10 seminars, then prepare and send a report for 3 of them.

C)  Electives

You will need to spend 12+  CFU in electives, taking them during your first or your second year, or both. You may choose between modules and an internship, or a combination of both.


a) Elective courses suggested by the programme: courses activated within LMEC.

b) Transferable skills: courses available to all students of Unibo to acquire the basic knowledge and abilities required to translate competences into suitable behaviour for organizational purposes. Important! Transferable Skills have a set number of places available - please try to select them in time if interested. FAQ in Transferable skills courses

c) Other elective courses: optionals (namely courses related to the tracks, see section A. above) that you had not previously selected. To insert these courses please click on the arrow next to Insegnamento a scelta su CORSO 8408 - ECONOMICS.

d) Other elective courses of the University of Bologna: if you wish, you may ask to include, as electives, courses from other degree programmes, as long as they have some consistency with the general goals of LMEC. In such case, please click on the arrow next to Insegnamento a scelta su ATENEO 010 - UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA, insert the chosen course(s) and wait for the Director's approval. NB: you will need these non-LMEC choices to be approved before actually taking them! We recommend you insert sensible options, consistent with LMEC, from LM taught in English. The request will be evaluated by the Programme Director and Board, then, if approved, added to your SOL records online.

THE INTERNSHIP I and II: the options available vary in length, in terms of hours, and in the number of credits that you will obtain. Please vist the LMEC curricular internships page. Students have to select an Internship in their Study Plan before starting it !

When and if offered, you may also include specialized seminars, which need to be individually selected (and that are not part of the “seminars” activity as per above).

The minimum number of credits to spend in electives is 12, but you can add more if you wish (no more than 24 extra, therefore up to 36 CFU). All exam grades, including those from modules exceeding the 12 CFU needed, will average up and count for the final grade.

Important !

  • In your first year you can choose electives but NOT optionals, nor Language exams/ “Seminars” activity, - these can be only  taken in your second year;
  • You are not bound to take all the modules that you select, BUT, the optional/elective exams that you will actually take in the end will have to be selected in your study plan;
  • it is not possible to fill in the Study Plan outside the two above mentioned periods;
  • you need to include your chosen modules in your study plan before sitting the corresponding exam. Internships work the same way;
  • if you are planning to graduate in 2021/22 academic year, that is within March 2023, you cannot edit your Study Plan in the a.y. 2022/23 (that is in October 2022). If you do, you will not be allowed to graduate within March 2023.
  • You want to switch modules you had already selected in a previous study plan, making them electives instead of optionals or vice versa: please refer to the document in the attachments box: Moving exams you already took from “optionals” (i.e. exams defining the track) to “electives” and v.v.


For Outgoing Erasmus/Overseas (or other exchanges)

  • Students spending a semester abroad (Erasmus+/Overseas/other) should complete the study plan anyway. The modules/activities you will choose in your host destination will be recognized though the Learning Agreement, however, it is a good idea to include the optionals and electives anyway in your online Bologna study plan, during the set deadlines, while you're on your exchange period. Why? If, for example, you do not manage to sit abroad all the exams that you had planned in your L.A., having optionals / electives selected in your s.p. is a safer fall back option if you what to take them in Bologna on your return. If they are not selected, you cannot take them when you come back.
  • If you spend the whole second year abroad make sure you don’t anticipate to your first year in Bologna the attendance of a second year activity: there will be no way of registering it in your records, while you are in your mobility period.