Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and econometrics

Programme aims

The 2nd cycle degree programme in Economicsand Econometrics trains economists with a solid grounding to the highestEuropean and international standards.

The programme focuses on learningprivileging research methods in the economic field, leading to a strong commandof quantitative instruments. Students acquire in-depth analytical andeconometric skills to be able to work as economists and economic data analystsin any type of national, international, public and private organisation. Thesolid and rigorous preparation provided by the degree programme allows studentsto apply for top PhDs in Economics abroad and in Italy.

These learning outcomes are achievedthrough a coordinated set of approaches including:

(i) study of the central core of micro andmacro-economic theory and quantitative analysis techniques;

(ii) development of skills in specificsurvey fields, to apply the instruments acquired;

(iii) use of economic methods and thequantitative techniques of the various fields of application to analyse andunderstand current economic and social problems;

The 2nd cycle degree programme includescore course units in economics, mathematics, statistics, legal and business andeconometrics. Developing on these fundamental areas, students then have thepossibility to further study specific issues linked to labour economics,industrial economics, international economics, public economics, developmenteconomics and economic policy. In addition to the previous topics in economics,students enhance their econometric skills in the micro- and/or macro-econometricfield for the analysis of all types of economic datasets, including big data.

The first year comprises mainly core courseunits, while the second year offers a wide range of choices that allow studentsto specialise in the topics of their choice. The programme, however, maintainsa fully balanced range of course units in micro- and macro-areas of botheconomics and econometrics in the first and second year.