Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and econometrics


LM(EC)² graduates will be prepared for a successful career as Economists/Econometrician in industry, research centers, international agencies, and for admission to the best PhD programmes worldwide, including the Unibo Ph.D. programme in Economics.

Starting from the academic year 2019/2020, LM(EC)² offers a new track in Econometrics in addition  the traditional track in Economics. In both tracks, the extensive use of quantitative tools will underpin theoretical and empirical approaches, providing the students with the skills to undertake independent research projects, to understand and analyze major current economic issues and policies, and to act as consultant in private and public institutions. Graduates will be able to address - consistently with the specific skills acquired in the chosen track- challenges such as: forecast of macroeconomic and financial variables, the quantitative analysis of financial markets and financial decision making, the empirics behind the strategic behavior of firms and consumers, the evaluation of programs in labor markets, education and development.


Ph.D: a large share of LM(EC)² graduates goes on to doctoral studies. In the past few years, LM(EC)² students were admitted to prestigious Ph.D. programs in Economics at renowned universities, such as Berkeley, Bonn, Boston University, Boston College, British Columbia, Brown, Duke, European University Institute, LSE, MIT, Northwestern University, Pompeu Fabra, Rice University, Stockholm School of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Toulouse School of Economics, Warwick, Zurich, and others.

Profession: Graduates who do not go on to PhD typically find employment, generally in the private sector. In the past few years, LM(EC) ² graduates have found employment mostly within international firms, management and financial consultancy, and firms offering specialized business services (such as Accenture, Brunswick Group, CRIF, Deloitte, DM Digital S.R.L., EUROGROUP, Econex, EY, HERA, KPMG, Moody's, Moore Stephens, Prometeia S.p.A, UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions, UniCredit Management Consultancy, In said firms LM(EC)² graduates work as business and financial consultants and analysts or as data analysts. A few graduates are working as managers in international firms in different sectors, such as Amazon, Johnson & Johnson, Standard Chartered Bank. Other graduates have undertaken internships or won job positions in institutions and international organizations, such as the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Italy, OECD and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance and other research institutions in Italy or abroad.

More information on placement of graduates can be found here

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Find out more about the Ministerial Single Annual Report (SUA-CdS - Single Annual Report on Degree Programmes)

Corso di Economics and Econometrics - codice 5977
Professional profiles professional profile Economist Function in a professional context: The second-cycle graduate is an expert inthe operation of economic systems, both at micro and macro level. … Read more