Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and econometrics


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8408 - Economics

Professional profiles

professional profile


function in a professional context:

2nd cycle graduates are experts of micro- and macroeconomic systems.

In a professional context, the economist performs the following functions:

a) Carries out research activity;

b) Provides economic and financial consulting services;

c) Performs operational tasks in financial institutions and banks;

d) Interacts with public administrations, regulatory authorities and international institutions;

e) Analyses macroeconomic developments and economic policy;

To acquire an appropriate level of responsibility and autonomy in economic research, the further competencies required can be obtained from continuing studies to PhD level in economics.

Competencies associated to the function:

The following specific knowledge is required:

a) Modern mathematical and statistical techniques applied to economic and financial markets to understand their operation and forecast future trends;

b) The main micro and macro-economic theories for analysing national and international economic phenomena and the behaviour of their stakeholders;

In addition to self-learning and lifelong learning skills, graduates will possess appropriate transversal skills:

- communication and interpersonal skills;

- organisational and management skills;

- programming skills;

in line with the assigned levels of autonomy and responsibility, the organisational and work methods adopted and the key stakeholders (colleagues, other professionals and public and/or private customers).

Career opportunities:

- Academics;

- International organisations;

- Public and private research bodies;

- Consulting firms;

- Private businesses;

- Financial institutes and banks;

- Non-profit organisations;

- Innovative areas of the public administration;

- Regulatory authorities;

- Economic press;

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (PhD/Scuole di specializzazione) and second cycle master.