Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management


Academic Year 2023/2024

Italian degree class: LM-56 (Economics)
Degree length: 2 years
Tuition fees academic year 2023/2024


Tourism is one of the industries that keeps growing every year even with the ongoing economic crisis and multinational instubility. By 2030, UNWTO forecasts international tourist arrivals to reach 1.8 billion (UNWTO Tourism Towards 2030). The players of the sector are medium and large private companies (hotel chains, tour operators, web agencies) and public bodies (local and regional governments, Destination Management Organizations, transport hubs) which set their strategies at the global level, in a framework of tight competition between tourism systems and in an age of strong innovation in the fields of finance, management, ICT and tourists care.

The 10th edition of TEaM (European Master in Tourism Economics and Management / Laurea Magistrale) is about to start. It is a two-year postgraduate degree equivalent to a M.Sc. The programme prepares managers and professionals that are able to tackle the global challenges of contemporary tourism: being, at the same time, engine for economic growth, key-player of sustainable development, and promoter of the cultural heritage. Upon graduation this tourism degree allows students to pursue a career in the following sectors: accomodation and food service operations, international travel and tourism organisations, visitor bureaus and conventions, tourism development agencies, recreational businesses, cruise ships, resorts, theme parks, airlines. 

Students coming to acquire this degree from all over the world  live in Rimini, one of the most exciting tourism destinations in Europe, hosting about 15 million overnight stays every year. It is home to the School of Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Bologna (Rimini Campus), a leading institution in tourism studies, known for the high quality of its teaching programmes (certified by the UNWTO -  TedQual certification) and research publications. It is the place where the excellence of the most ancient university of the Western world meets the ability of local entrepreneurs and the public administration in developing a flourishing tourism destination. Indeed, the perfect place to study tourism economics and management.

How to apply

Admission to academic year 2023/2024 are now closed. New selection procedures will start January 2024.

Starting from February 2023, you can apply to our international Master degree programme in Tourism Economics and Management for the academic year 2023/2024, starting of activities September 2023).

Student Ambasssador

Mohammad from Amman (Jordan) is an alumno of this MA: “I would like to say to the students who are considering coming to Italy and/or Bologna for study reasons that you are making the right decision, I am sure that you will enjoy both the university life and your personal life in Italy the most beautiful country in the world.”

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