Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

Crash courses

Preparatory classes for freshmen students

Crash courses are organized at the beginning of classes, starting the second week of September.

They aim to provide first-year students (particularly those without a Bachelor degree in economics or business studies), with the basic tools and pre-requisites needed to successfully attend the program.

TEaM offers to admitted students crash courses in:

- Economics (first semester), Riccardo pesci

- Mathematics (first semester),  Elisa Lenti

- Job Placement in Tourism sector (second semester), Massimo Ferdinandi

- Statistics (second semester), TBA

Mathematics - Dr. Elisa Lenti

Intensive lectures will take place Monday 16 to Friday 20 September 2024



- Linear
- Quadratic
- Biquadratic
- Factorization rules
- Parametric equations
- Equations with fractions and fractional equations
- Systems of equations
- Exponential and logarithmic equations

Analytic geometry
- The carthesian plane: Cartesian coordinate system, representation, points coordinates
- Lines: general linear form and slope intercept form; the line which passes through 1 point,
2 points, parallel and perpendicular lines, representation
- Parabola: the vertex, axix intersections, rules to represent the parabola in the carthesian
- Equilateral Hyperbole : representation

- Linear
- Quadratic
- Fractional
- Systems of inequalities

Economics - Riccardo Pesci

Intensitve lectures will take place Monday 16 to Friday 20 September 2024


Course Content


- Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium

- Consumers' choice and Utility Maximisation

- Demand function and Elasticity

- Firms' choice, Production Costs and Profit Maximisation

- Perfect Competition, Monopoly and Market Structure



- GDP, Inflation and Unemployment

- Money and Inflation

- Economic Growth (Solow, Endogenous Growth, Overlapping Generations)

- Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

- ISLM, Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy