Curriculum WACOMA - Water and Coastal Management
Second cycle degree/Two year Master in Science and technologies for environmental sustainability

Preparing the dissertation - modalities

The preparation of the dissertation includes two activities: a research practical activity plus a proper preparation/writing of the thesis for the dissertation.

The work must be dedicated to advanced educational activities focused on scientific research or technological advancements. These activities are to be conducted within a department or research laboratory of the University of Bologna.

The student undertakes an experimental, computational, and/or theoretical exploration within a cutting-edge scientific field. This work involves the advanced application of investigation methodologies specific to the chosen curriculum, resulting in a deepening of expertise within the specialized sector.

The preparation of the dissertation usually lasts 3/4 months, corresponding to at least 450 hours of activities (18 credits). Before starting the activities, the student submits the form: “Request of the thesis project to the Council” at least 6 months before the expected date of the defence. If the student has to change the research project, or its objectives, he/she has to submit an updated request. Forms are available in the right box in this webpage. Filled forms must be submitted to Segreteria Didattica, Via Sant’Alberto 163 (

The preparation of the final thesis will include also the 18 CFU of the 94533 Final Examination.

Students can prepare their final thesis in one of the 4 modalities indicated below, but it is fundamental they have understood the exact meaning and properly selected the activity in their study plan: