Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Ravenna Curriculum WACOMA - Water and Coastal Management Second cycle degree/Two year Master in Science and technologies for environmental sustainability

Notice board


Have you ever thought about becoming a Peer mentor?

150 paid hours per year, with flexible hours, to support students with Disabilities and SLD at the university. Apply for the call. Deadline: 1 August.

Unibo for Refugees - scholarships

A project promoted by the University of Bologna and the Municipality of Bologna for the integration of refugee students in the university world.

Italian courses offered by the Campus - Fall 2024

Have a look at the CLA agenda to reserve a seat

What do you think about our University?

Your opinion will guide actions to improve it. Spend a few minutes on the online survey.

Contributions for contributions for health costs for non-resident students

If you are a non-resident student at the University of Bologna and you have an ISEE not exceeding €35,000.00, you can apply for the competition to request contributions. Application deadline: 11 July.

Be part of the Alma Mater

Join the guided tours to get to know your University better. Check the tour schedule and sign up!

Thesis award in memory of Raul Gardini on the topics of Environmental Sustainability and Circular (Bio)Economy – First Edition

Applications must be submitted by 12 July 2024, 12.00. The prize is made available by the Raul Gardini Foundation

BiGeA International: study and research opportunities abroad

Study and research opportunities abroad promoted by the Department of Biological, Geological and Natural Sciences

International Talents @Unibo

Unibo awards 80 scholarships to deserving international students who wish to enrol in degree programmes in the a. y. 2024/25.

WACOMA call for application 2024/25 - now open!

The call to apply for next ay 2024/25 is now open


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