The Programme organizes events for students, so called “Thursdays seminars”. The events are published in the Notice Board, and continuously updated. Further, students could attend other events, not organized by the Programme, but must be in line with the following Regulations. Students have to demonstrate the attendance by filling the form available in this page.
The Degree Course Council in Environmental Sciences has resolved (14.11.2006 All. 10) that A student who has attended (..) 14 lectures for the Master's, (..) is entitled to have 1 point on the final grade of the degree examination.
The CCDL of 10.12.2018 resolved that certification is by signature on the appropriate form which the student will print out from the attachments section and complete at the conference (A conference is defined as a scientific presentation relevant to the topics of Environmental Sciences given by an expert in the field at the Ravenna facilities or at other national or foreign universities or research institutes). The form will be kept by the student and will be validated by the signature of the CCdL President or by the signature of a member of the "Conference Commission" appointed annually by the CCdL.
Prior to the Degree Examination, the student shall show the signed form to his/her Thesis Advisor, who will inform the President of the Degree Committee of the right to obtain the additional mark. The student must bring these forms with him/her on the day of the Degree Examination.
In the event that the conference is not held as part of the CCS Commission's programme, the certificate of attendance shall be issued by the conference presenter. The certificate must contain title, name of the presenter, date and place of the conference.