Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria chimica e di processo

Le opportunità offerte dal titolo multiplo

Atenei Convenzionati


Per informazioni sulle opportunità offerte nell'ambito dei titoli multipli si rimanda alla pagina del sito del curriculum internazionale. 

The Dual Degree is offered as an option for students enrolled in the STEM Curriculum of the M.Sc. Programme in Chemical and Process Engineering

Participation in the Dual Degree programme implies attending courses at the University of Bologna during the first year and at Columbia University in the City of New York during the second year. In order to be enrolled in the partner University, students must have certified TOEFL and GRE  scores. 

The University might provide some fellowships to cover the expenses. Students following the Dual Degree with the University of Columbia will pay fees at the University of Bologna for the first year and at the partner University for the second year.

Students are responsible for applying to Columbia University according to the partner's regulations.