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Camp on Soft Skills

Leadership, team working and public speaking for a research career

Pubblicato il 04 dicembre 2023

CNIT/WiLab organises in Bologna, on Jan 29 - Feb 2, 2024, an intensive course on Soft Skills: five days (rigourously in presence) with professional trainers.
The training intiative is conceived for students, PhD students, and early stage researchers. The focus is on Relational Soft Skills.
Trainees will be assessed on the last day from the viewpoint of public speaking skills during a dissemination event broadcast online.
All information and registration page on
The registration fee is 50 EUR for the first 30 participants (incl. breaks, lunches for five days), 200 EUR for the others, up to no more than 50 people.
This initiative is originated and supported by RESTART (Partneriato Esteso "Telecomunicazioni per il futuro", PNRR); however, it is open to participants from ANY DISCIPLINE.