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Clinical clerkships: Access to hospital wards

a.a 2021/22

In order to access hospital wards, students must:

  1. Attend a specific health and safety online training module;
  2. Register for a clerkship period;
  3. Gather the required documents and read the specific information of the hospital ward.

Please find below the information on the aforementioned mandatory requirements and documents in order to access hospital wards.




In order to access hospital wards during Phase 3 of the Covid-19 outbreak, you must attend and pass the online module: Formazione per la gestione del rischio biologico con specifico riferimento a Sars-CoV2 / COVID-19 nelle organizzazioni sanitarie e a livello comunitario”.

The module is available on the Digital Learning platform of the University of Bologna, which can be accessed at this link with institutional UNIBO credentials ( and password). At the end of the module, after passing the online final test, a participation badge will be available for download.


Clinical clerkships must be booked on Studenti Online > Medicine Internship.

Please refer to the Clinical clerkship registration page for information about clerkship registration dates and deadlines.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to book clinical clerkships, enrolment to A.Y. 2021/22 must be finalised.



The current state of emergency related to Covid-19 requires new extraordinary measures to be put in place to ensure the safety of students, hospital personnel and patients.

For the aforementioned reasons, students that will start Clinical Clerkships within hospital wards will be required to show, upon access, the reinforced Super Green Pass obtained upon completion of the primary cycle + third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine or the Green Pass obtained upon completion of the primary cycle (two doses), if the second dose has been done less than 120 days before the completion of the clerkship. After 120 days the third dose is required.

Students who are included in the category of extremely vulnerable subjects (fragile) can contact the Ufficio Servizi agli Studenti ( which will act as an intermediary with the interested Health Authority to find a solution that can safeguard their health in respect to the attendance of Clinical Clerkships.

Each ward will organize autonomously the procedures to verify proof of vaccination.

Students who are not in possession of proof of vaccination for Covid-19 will not be allowed to access hospital wards and will therefore be unable to attend the clerkship. Missed clerkships will have to eventually be rescheduled in another time slot.

 In case of new information or changes in the procedures, they will be published at this webpage.

Prior to the beginning of any clerkship, students must  follow the instructions published in the document 'Clinical clerkship contacts' at this webpage with specific contact details for each hospital ward.