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Medicine and Surgery

Notice Board

University is for everyone

Rights, culture, and the value of diversity: Let's talk about it at the Virtual Fair – Bachelor's programmes on 25 February.

Information literacy

Seminario di formazione sulla ricerca, il recupero e il riutilizzo delle fonti bibliografiche, per studenti di area biomedica

Training programme in Drug therapy in the care pathway (hospital-territory) of oncological and onco-haematological patients

For pharmacists, physicians, nurses and health care professionals, the course prepares for the management of cancer therapy from the hospital to the territory. Online open day: Feb. 21, 6 p.m.

Services and benefits for students in difficult situations

If you study at Unibo and are experiencing personal, family or financial hardship, by 4 March you can participate in the 2024/25 call for applications in collaboration with ER.GO.

Tuition fee reduction for undergraduates with specific requirements who only have to sit the final examination

If you have been enrolled for a number of years exceeding the normal course duration plus one and you only have to sit the final examination, your tuition fees may be reduced. Deadline: 18 March.

25 Feb 2025

Discover your degree programme during the Virtual Fair 2025

The annual online event to discover all Bachelor’s programmes offered by the University of Bologna.