The following information is based on the application procedure for 2018/19 admission. This page will be updated during the upcoming months, as soon as any relevant information is confirmed.
If you are interested in applying for admission in 2019/20, you may use this page as a general reference; however, please remember that the application procedure may change.
How do I apply for the programme?
1. Check whether you qualify as Italian/EU/non-EU student with equivalent status, or as non-EU student resident abroad
Non-EU students resident abroad must apply for pre-enrolment.
Useful information for all applicants:
2. Read the call for applications
The 2018/19 call for applications is now available (Italian version - English summary).
In the call for applications, you will find all relevant details about the selection process (e.g. number of available places, entry requirements, deadlines, IMAT registration procedure for Bologna, test contents, test fee, etc.)
Please note that for a.y. 2018/19 only Years 1 and 2 of the programme will be activated; it will not be possible to be admitted to Years 3-6 (see explanation here).
Successful candidates enrolled in other degree programmes, or who have previous academic degrees/qualifications, will be admitted to Year 1.
3. Register for the admission test (IMAT)
The admission test for our Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery is IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test).
Details about the registration procedure for IMAT at the University of Bologna are published in the 2018/19 call for applications (IT / EN). Please pay attention to the set deadlines - late applications will not be accepted.
4. IMAT test day
If you chose to sit the test in Bologna, please refer to the 2018/19 call for applications (IT / EN) for details about the test venue, access rules, etc.
If you chose to sit the test outside of Italy in one of the authorised IMAT venues, please contact your chosen test venue for directions, access rules, etc.
After IMAT
In the 2018/19 call for applications (IT / EN), you will find information about:
- How to check your IMAT result and the status of your application;
- Enrolment/matriculation procedure and deadlines.