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Advanced Emergency-Urgent Care Simulation

Activities for students enrolled in Year 5 and 6 - 2023/2024

Starting from 7 February 2024 at 12:00 (Italian time) registration will open for an optional advanced simulation activity at the Italian Red Cross - Bologna Committee. The activity is open to students enrolled on Year 5 and 6 of the Medicina e Chirurgia (8415) and Medicine and Surgery (9210) Degree Programmes for A.Y. 2023/24.

ATTENTION: students must be still enrolled (not graduated) on the date of the course. Students who plan to be already graduated by the date of the course cannot register for this activity.

The currently available edition are scheduled on:

  • 06/03/2024 - registration deadline: 26/02/2024
  • 18/04/2024 - registration start: 26/02/2024 12:00 (noon), registration deadline: 08/04/2024

Course Information

Health education with the use of simulation techniques plays a privileged and primary role today allowing experiential learning "a process in which knowledge is created through a transformation of experience" (David Kolb 1984). The use of the simulation tool, within the learning path of the Medicine and Surgery student, allows to grapple with facts, problems, clinical cases of increasing complexity, receiving feedback and favoring, through a facilitated reflection, the deliberate practice. The stratification of the objectives, as well as of the difficulties, represents the pivot of the development and learning process, where the punctual and targeted feedback provided by the teacher is the main tool.

The simulated scenarios will allow, in an initial phase, the examination of purely clinical problems, to then go on to develop group work, learning the importance of effective communication and managing the consequences inherent in communication errors in the health sector, up to the ability to integrate the individual into multi-specialist and multidisciplinary teams.

 In all these situations, the analysis and structured reflection guided by the trainer and shared by the learner represents the formative and qualifying moment of the simulation method, leading the teacher to become a real facilitator of learning intended as a behavioral change of the learner.

The course will take place in a single day for edition and for a total duration of 8 hours (from 9 to 18). At the end of the day the final certification will be obtained: “FIRST APPROACH TO THE MANAGEMENT OF CRITICAL EVENTS IN EMERGENCY-URGENCY”.

ATTENTION: the minimum number of participants is mandatory to activate each edition of the course. If 12 participants are not reached, the edition will not be activated. Students enrolled in each edition will receive confirmation of the activation of the selected edition by institutional email

The course will be held at the "L. Gusmeroli" training center of the Italian Red Cross Bologna, via Emilia Ponente 56, Bologna.


Course registration


  • log in on Studenti Online and access the "Reservations" section;
  • Select the "SIMULAZIONE AVANZATA IN EMERGENZA-URGENZA or ADVANCED EMERGENCY-URGENT CARE SIMULATION" and the edition in which you intend to participate.