Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Medicine and Surgery

What are additional learning requirements and how are they satisfied?

What are ALRs

To enroll on the degree programme, some basic knowledge is required.

If the admission test reveals gaps in one or more topics, you will still be able to enrol, but you will have to carry out some additional activities, called Additional Learning Requirements (OFA).

Access to the programme is regulated on a national basis; the admission test verifies that you do not have significant gaps in particular topics for which adequate preparation is required to successfully complete the degree programme.

Knowledge and skills required to enroll on the degree programme are positively verified upon achieving a minimum score in the admission test. The minimum score is determined yearly with the Ministerial Decree regulating the admission test itself.

This means that you may have reached the minimum score required to be admitted to the degree programme, but that you may not have the minimum score to pass the OFA and have acquired Additional Learning Requirements.


OFA "Basic knowledge acquisition"

Students who enrolled on the programme without the minimum score outlined above will be given the following OFA, to be passed by the end of Year 1: "Basic knowledge acquisition".

The additional learning requirement consists in taking part, as a supplementary learning activity, in online remedial courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, with compulsory attendance. A test will be administered at the end of these activities.

Students will pass their additional learning requirement:

  • if they pass the specific verification test which will verify their learning of the knowledge of the basic elements of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. The test consists of a multiple choice test and will take place on the dates established by the Degree Program Board and published on the University Portal.
  • if they pass all learning activities scheduled in Year 1 of the degree programme, except for elective learning activities.

Additional Learning Requirements and Enrolment in Years 2-6

If you have been assigned Additional Learning Requirements, in the year followinf that of your matriculation you will be enrolled in:

  • Year 2 of the degree programme, if you have already satisfied the Additional Learning Requirements;
  • Year 2 on a conditional basis until you have satisfied the Additional Learning Requirements and, in any case, until 31 March: as soon as you have satisfied the Additional Learning Requirements, your enrolment will change from second year on a conditional basis to second year, but if you do not satisfy them by 31 March you will be registered as a Year 1 repeating student.



The deadline for satisfying the Additional Learning Requirements is 31 March of each year, which coincides with the end of the exam session for the academic year of matriculation.