Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Medicine and Surgery

Expected learning outcomes


Graduates know:

• The morphological, biochemical, physiological, andsocial factors that contribute to the health status of individuals.
• Causes, mechanisms, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the most commondiseases.
• National healthcare organisation, ethical and legal aspects of the medicalprofession.
• Clinical experimentation methods and scientific professional updating tools.

Graduates acquire knowledge through lectures,interdisciplinary workshops, e-learning, small-group activities, laboratories,problem-solving, discussion of clinical cases, and clinical clerkships. SinceEnglish is the language of instruction, graduates also improve their Englishlanguage competence.

Knowledge will be assessed through exams, intermediatetests, practical evaluations, and the final dissertation.


Graduates can:
• Assess the health status of patients, taking into account their lifestyle andother congenital or environmental risk factors, and suggest adequate preventionstrategies.
• Prescribe adequate therapies for the most common diseases and recommendfurther specialised diagnostic and therapeutic strategies when needed.
• Cooperate with other healthcare professionals to manage complex patients.
• Assess the scientific and ethical accuracy of innovative medical approaches.
• Assess medical exams and documents written in English, and communicate withEnglish-speaking patients.

Graduates develop abilities to apply knowledge throughlectures, interdisciplinary workshops, e-learning, small-group activities,laboratories, exercises, discussion of clinical cases, and clinical clerkships.Teaching methodologies will be predominantly interactive, allowing students totake an active role in acquiring knowledge, in order to develop clinicalreasoning skills and communicate in English.

The capacity to apply knowledge will be assessedthrough exams, intermediate tests, practical evaluations, and the finaldissertation.


Graduates can identify and interpret relevant data tosolve simple and complex health-related issues. They can distinguish whetherinaccuracies result from incomplete medical or scientific knowledge, or fromtechnical limitations. In the aforementioned contexts, they are able to takeinto account their ethical and social responsibilities when drawingconclusions.
More specifically, graduates can:
1) Use information from biomedical research (both pre-clinical and clinical) ina critical way, and follow the principles of evidence-based medicine;
2) Further elaborate the deontological aspects of the medical profession asgeneral ethical issues, and for the specific social context of patients.

Knowledge and skills will be learnt and assessedthrough laboratories, clinical clerkships, workshops, and the preparation ofthe final examination.


Graduates can interact in international andmulticultural settings with other healthcare professionals, colleagues,collaborators, and patients and their families. . In the face of suchspecialised and general audiences, graduates can:
1) Express information related to their professional activity in a simple,clear, and concise form, orally or in writing, and taking into account thecultural level of their audience;
2) Interact respectfully and with intellectual honesty with patients, in orderto support them in making their health-related decisions, and with their familymembers to share the patient's point of view and behaviour.

Knowledge and skills will be learnt and assessedmainly during clinical clerkships, when students are exposed to a number ofinteractive situations. Skills will also be assessed through laboratories,clinical clerkships, workshops, and the preparation of the final examination.


Graduates can:
• continue their studies autonomously;
• keep up-to-date in their specific professional branch;
• consult international databases and literature;
• participate in international scientific events, contributing data andexchanging information.

Finally, graduates can practise the medical professionwithin its normative and ethical boundaries.

Skills learnt during the entire programme are assessedduring individual learning activities and by the preparation of the finalexamination.