Choosing and proposing a subject
Students carry out their thesis preparation under the guidance of a thesis supervisor, on a subject consistent with the learning objectives of the Degree Programme. Professors in charge of learning activities included in the University's teaching program can be thesis supervisors. Supervisors support the students’ activity and verify the adequacy of the paper for admission to the discussion, as well as its originality, they may use computer applications to do it.
Editorial rules
Basic editorial approximate rules to write a dissertation:
- length: between 50,000 and 100,000 characters (including spaces);
- font: Times New Roman or Arial;
- font size: 12 or 13 (10 for footnotes);
- right-left and top-bottom margins: 2.5 cm;
- spacing: 1.5 cm.
Click here for information about using the institutional brand of the University of Bologna in your final dissertation.
Final grade
Please refer to the information in section 3 of the Final Examination Guidelines on how the Final Examination is held ("Attachments" box).
The Final Examination Board will evaluate your overall career: thesis, completed studies, duration of the university career, any transfers from another Degree Programme, considering specific elements.
The evaluation of the Board is expressed in one hundred and tenths (110). The examination is considered passed with a minimum grade of 66/110 and a maximum of 110/110. In the event of a maximum vote, the Board can grant honours on a unanimous decision.
Please refer to the information on how to calculate the weighted average grade according to your Degree Programme Teaching Regulations.
The Final Examination Board, considering the discussion of the thesis and your curriculum, will decide the final grade which will be proclaimed during the graduation sessions.