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Clinical Clerkship: approaching the patient (a.a 20/21)

A message from the Degree Program Coordinator

Published on 15 January 2021

Dear students,

Because of the continuous state of emergency related to Covid-19 and the consequent organizational issues, we are currently unable to guarantee the compulsory medical appointment at the occupational medicine for all the second year students. 

As a consequence, the Clinical Clerkship: approaching the patient, for the academic year 20/21, will be carried out exclusively online following a calendar that will be published shortly.

We kindly ask you to keep checking the webpage: “Clinical Clerkship: approaching the patient (a.a. 20/21)” for updates.

If you have any doubts please contact the office Servizi agli Studenti:

The Degree Program Coordinator,

Prof. Rocco Liguori