Information about international exchange opportunities for students enrolled on the Medicine and Surgery Degree Programme at the University of Bologna who wish to go on an international exchange abroad.
At this webpage, Medicine and Surgery students can find a comprehensive list of all mobility programs available to them and the links to the specific calls for applications.
For general information regarding activities that can be carried out abroad and regognition guidelines approved by the Degree Program, please refer to the document "guidelines" in the attachment section.
For support regarding program choice and doubts, please contact Ufficio Servizi agli Studenti - Supporto alla Mobilità Internazionale (contact section).
Here are all the available programs:
Activities: courses/internships/thesis preparation
Duration: from 2 months (minimum) to 12 months (maximum)
Under the Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies programme, students can apply for exchanges at partner Universities with whom a specific inter-institutional agreement is in place with the Medicine and Surgery Degree Programme. The call for applications is usually published during the academic year preceding that of the exchange.
The Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies call for applications is published annually on the University main website.
The call is usually published in January.
The list of partner Universities is published with the call for applications; in the attachment section of this page students can find a list of the destinations with useful links and applications deadlines. The deadlines and information are indicative and may be subjected to changes, all the information needs to be confirment with the partner university directly.
In the attachment sections students can also find a document with suggestions regarding the application. The responsible professors and the Ufficio Servizi agli Studenti - Supporto alla mobilità internazionalme is also available for orientation and advice about planning international exchanges (see "Contacts" page).
Students who are currently on an Erasmus+ Studies exchange may refer to the following information pages: Exchange guides and F.A.Q.s - ECTS grade conversion.
Activities: courses/internship/thesis preparation
Duration: 6 months (minimum)
Under the Overseas programme, students can apply for exchanges at partner Universities with whom an inter-institutional agreement is in place with the University of Bologna. Agreements may or may not be specific for the Medicine and Surgery Degree Programme. The call for applications is usually published during the academic year preceding that of the exchange.
The Overseas call for applications is published annually on the University main website.
The call is usually published in October.
The list of partner Universities is published with the call for applications.
The School's Ufficio Servizi agli Studenti- International Services is available for orientation and advice about planning international exchanges (see "Contacts" page).
Activities: internship/thesis preparation
Duration: 2 months (minimum) 3 months (maximum). Possibility to extend.
Under the Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeships programme, students can apply for an international mobility period to undertake practical training in a host institution of their choice (see "Exchange destinations" paragraph below).
The Erasmus+ for traineeship call for applications is published annually on the University main website.
The call is usually published in March.
The organisation the student intends to do a traineeship with must conform to the description given in the Programme Guide (version 2, 2018) issued by the European Commission, that is: “any public or private organisation active on the labour market or in sectors such as education, training and youth”.
All candidates of the School of Medicine must find their own host institution and define their traineeship project - no list of partner institutions is provided.
The School's Ufficio Servizi agli Studenti - International Services is always available for orientation and advice about planning international exchanges (see "Contacts" page).
Students who are currently on an Erasmus+ Traineeship exchange may refer to the following information page: Exchange guides and F.A.Q.s.
Activities: Internship/thesis preparation
Duration: from one (minimum) to six months (maximum)
Grants for international study experiences abroad are available to applicants who, at the time of application, are either enrolled on first-, second-, or single-cycle degree programmes delivered by the School of Medicine and based in Bologna. The call for applications is published in the 'Opportunities' section of this website (direct link) or in the "bandi" section of the university portal. The call for applications has two deadlines, each deadline is indicated within the call for applications.
All candidates of the School of Medicine must find their own host institution and define their traineeship project - no list of partner institutions is provided and no agreement needs to be in place. Extra EU countries are also allowed. The School's Ufficio Servizi agli Studenti - International Services is always available for orientation and advice about planning international exchanges (see "Contacts" page).
The degree program in Medicine and Surgery also promotes extra EU mobilities through specific School of Medicine agreements signed with partner universities.
Currently, active agreements are: Brown University, Nagoya University, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
To participate to these mobilities, students must apply to specific calls for applications. Those are published periodically on the Bandi section of the University portal and on the notice board of the Degree Program website.
Erasmus + Studies: application info
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Erasmus + Studies - Destinations 25/26
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[ .pdf 208Kb ]
How can we help you: Information about teaching matters for incoming and outgoing mobility programmes within and outside the EU, Learning Agreement and credit recognition.
Phone +39 051 2080838 Orario telefonico Monday 9-11:15 a.m. Wednesday 9-11:15 a.m. Friday 9-11:15 a.m.
Address Polo Murri, primo piano - via Massarenti, 9 - 40138 Bologna Orario apertura al pubblico Tuesday 2-3:30 p.m. Thursday 2-3:30 p.m.
Other information Schedule via email an in-person reception.