Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Medicine and Surgery

Preparing the study plan

How to prepare and submit study plans.

What is a Study Plan?

The study plan is the complete set of exams that you need to sit in order to graduate. Some exams are compulsory, while others are elective.

Who can submit a Study Plan?

A study plan can be presented by students who are properly enrolled, have paid their tuition fees and, in the case of international students, hold a valid residence permit.


For a.y. 2024/25, Study Plans can be filled in during the following periods:

  • From 15 October 2024 to 21 November 2024;
  • From 14 March 2025 to 15 April 2025.

Please note that these deadlines are final - it is not possible to fill in Study Plans before or after these periods. 

The Study Plan application can be accessed from Studenti Online (login required).

Compulsory and elective learning activities

Compulsory learning activities

Uploading compulsory learning activities on your Online Study Plan 
Compulsory learning activities are automatically uploaded on Study Plans of enrolled students.
Students may sit exams only after the end of classes (see the academic calendar page for details about the schedule of learning activities).

Signing up for ​lectures and exams
Students are not required to formally enrol on compulsory learning activities, as they are already uploaded on their Study Plan. Please remember to check attendance requirements in the course content page.
Exam dates are published on the programme website and on AlmaEsami.
Students enrolled on the programme must sign up for exams through AlmaEsami, which can be accessed from Studenti Online (login required).


Elective learning activities

Uploading elective learning activities on your Online Study Plan 
Students must choose elective learning activities (electives) by uploading them on their Study Plan. In order to graduate, students must complete that minimum number of electives established by the programme regulations.
The choice of electives can be changed any number of times during the weeks listed above; the last entered and saved version of the Study Plan will be the final one.

Signing up for ​lectures and exams
Students must check the course content page of their chosen electives to check:

  • Information about signing up for lectures; 
  • Attendance requirements;
  • Any other relevant information.

Exam dates are published on the programme website and on AlmaEsami.
Students enrolled on the programme must sign up for exams through AlmaEsami, which can be accessed from Studenti Online (login required).

Study Plan printout

Students are recommended to print out a copy of their Study Plan.
Printouts can be downloaded in PDF format from Studenti Online at any time, during and after the fill-in periods.