Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Medicine and Surgery


Students will develop a comprehensive vision of Medicine’s potential to improve health promotion and maintenance, preventive care and development of healthy families, and global health. The knowledge and skills acquired during the programme will allow them to work as physicians and to access further education.

Prospective employers for graduates of the Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery are: public and private clinics, hospitals, and specialized medical centres; hospices; universities and research centres; national and international health and humanitarian organisations.

The internationalised approach of the Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery, its programme and orientation towards global health topics expand the range of specialty training, job and research opportunities for graduates in international settings.

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Find out more about the Ministerial Single Annual Report (SUA-CdS - Single Annual Report on Degree Programmes)

Corso di Medicine and Surgery - codice 9210
Professional profiles professional profile Medical Doctors: • Promote health as defined by the World HealthOrganisation (“a state of complete physical, mental, and socialwell-being and not merely the absence… Read more