Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Medicine and Surgery

Thesis preparation project

The Thesis preparation project allows for insurance coverage extension to enter hospital wards for up to one year in order to follow hospital activities related to the final thesis.

Starting from Year 5 of the degree programme, upon agreement with their thesis supervisor and only for thesis related activities, students may apply for a Thesis preparation project in order to enter hospital wards outside of curricular clinical clerkship slots for up to 12 months.

Please find below information about applying for a Thesis preparation project.

How to apply for a Thesis preparation project

Students must:

  1. Define the topic and aims of the thesis preparation clerkship activities with their thesis supervisor (a.k.a. Tutor Accademico);
  2. Agree with the host hospital ward/Clinical Department contact person (a.k.a. Tutor Aziendale) upon clerkship details: periods and times of the day when the student is granted access to the host hospital ward, clerkship activities and modalities. For clerkships outside the University of Bologna, students must contact the legal representative/CEO and ask for their signed approval on the 'Progetto formativo per tesi' form (available for download in the 'Application form' box of this page). The chosen host institution must have an agreement ('convenzione') with the University of Bologna;
  3. Fill in the 'Progetto formativo per tesi' form (available for download in the 'Application form' box of this page).


How to fill in the 'Thesis preparation project' form

Page 1 

On page 1 of the project form the following information is required:

  • Student personal data, School, Degree Programme name;
  • Host institution data (name, address);
  • Access periods to the host institution premises (days and times of access), e.g. Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m;
  • Clerkship duration. Please note that thesis preparation project clerkships may last up to a maximum of 12 months, and that the stated clerkship start date must NOT be prior to the date in which the application form (duly filled out and signed) is submitted to Ufficio Servizi agli studenti. Please send the form at least 5-6 working days prior to the planned clerkship start date, e.g. application form submitted on Friday, 30 September 2022 and clerkship start dates from Monday 10 October 2022 to 09 October 2023;
  • Name of the Thesis Supervisor (Tutor Accademico);
  • Name of the Director of the host Hospital ward/institution where the clerkships will take place (Tutor Aziendale).


Page 2

On page 2, please state in a detailed way the following information:

  • clerkship learning outcomes ('OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI DEL TIROCINIO'): they must clarify the link between the clerkship and the topic of the thesis. E.g.: a review about the comparation between therapy and activity in the treatment of a specific disease.
  • clerkship activities and how they will take place ('ATTIVITÀ E MODALITÀ DI SVOLGIMENTO DEL TIROCINIO'): the activities which allow the student to delve deeper into the topics listed in the learning outcomes and acquire the skills to complete their theoretical-practical training for the purpose of writing their thesis. The total amount of weekly working hours, which cannot exceed 40 hours/week, must also be stated in this field. E.g.: identify eligible patients for the study, collect written consent, processing donor samples, confront the collected data. Total amount of weekly hours: 40.



The last part requires the signatures of:

  1. Student;
  2. Thesis Supervisor (Tutor Accademico);
  3. Director of the host Hospital ward/institution where the clerkships will take place (Tutor Aziendale).

PLEASE NOTE: if the Thesis Supervisor and the Director of the host Hospital ward/institution are the same person, signatures must be placed in both fields!

The Degree Programme Director will sign for approval once Ufficio Servizi agli studenti confirm the form to be formally correct.



Project application approval

Students enrolled on the Medicine and Surgery Degree Programme must submit the form to Ufficio Servizio agli studenti, duly filled and signed: the only missing signature must be that of the Degree Programme Director.

Once it is duly filled and signed, students may submit the application form by emailing it to

Afterwards, Ufficio Servizio agli Studenti will check if the form is correctly filled and signed and, if so, will collect the signature of the Degree Program Director and return the approved form to the student.

It is up to the student to provide a copy of the approved form to the host institution/hospital ward (this will serve as proof that the student is attending the host institution/hospital ward as part of a clerkship and not on a voluntary basis).

During the clerkship

During the clerkship, students must:

  • attend the host institution regularly, according to the agreed calendar;
  • in case of absence, prolonged absence or interruption, notify both Tutor Accademico and Tutor Aziendale.