An important difference concerns the final exam to obtain the degree which qualifies to the profession of Pharmacist, as per art.1 and 3 of Law n. 163/2021 "Disposizioni in materia di titoli universitari abilitanti" and per Interministerial Decree n. 651 of July 5th 2022 "Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico abilitante alla professione di farmacista - classe LM-13".
The final exam involves sitting an evaluating practical test (PPV) which aims at proving the professional competencies acquired through the evaluation internship (TPV) included in the degree programme. The evaluation internship consists in a 6-month (full-time) professional internship at a pharmacy open to the public or a hospital, under the guidance of the Pharmaceutical Service (“Servizio Farmaceutico”). The internship must be carried out for a whole 900 hours, of which at least 450 hours at a pharmacy open to the public, and corresponds to 30 CFUs.
The evaluating practical test precedes the discussion of the final dissertation.