Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Core Clinical Training IV year

The students enrolled to IV year have to attend the following Core Clinical Training (CCT): 

Core Clinical Training in Avian Diseases and Diseases of Wildlife and Exotic Animals 

Core Clinical Training in Food Inspection, Control and Certification 1

Documents available for each CCT: 

  • Syllabus
  • Organization of period and typical day
  • Safety instructions and related self-assessment survey

Registration procedure

For registration to CCT use “Studenti Online”.

Useful material for the trainee student


Obligations of the students involved in CCT

In addition to the requirements for each specific CCT (see document of "organization of period and typical day"), the student must compulsorily, before the start of each CCT:

  • read the safety instructions
  • fill in the self-assessment survey that verifies the assessment of the of the safety procedure