Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

EAEVE - A guarantee for students and society

The EAEVE evaluation system, through the assignment of the "Certification" and "Accreditation" status to positively evaluated structures in two successive steps, is a guarantee for students and for society, certifying the quality of the educational standards and, therefore, of newly graduated veterinarians. In this way, EAEVE indirectly guarantees the quality of services provided by graduates in an accredited facility.

EAEVE is a great ally not only for students, but also for all teachers who want to improve the quality of the education offered by the degree course.

The certification, and EAEVE accreditation to an even greater degree, guarantee that the students get "hands on" experience with animals and that practical activities are included and adequately carried out. EAEVE "obliges" organizations to constantly improve and, in this, it is part of a Quality Assurance process that has also been compulsorily applied to all Italian degree programmes since 2013. It is extremely important in an academic environment to have a European standard that traces policies and keeps the educational threshold high.

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