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EAEVE - The final report: strengths

The experts reported significant improvements compared to their previous visit. The Commission appreciated DIMEVET’s decision to represent itself in a completely transparent and truthful way, showing its strengths but also its weaknesses. In the various thematic meetings, the accreditation experts always spoke with the student delegations involved (more than 50 different students!). The students spoke before the teachers and in separate locations.

In its final summary, the Commission’s report indicates the first point of excellence as the creation of a single department, the remarkable team spirit, the staff’s motivation and the cooperation with students and stakeholders. Above all, the students made an impression with their maturity and awareness.

EAEVE has placed great importance on continuing education and post-graduate training. The experts requested a specific and separate meeting with the main stakeholders and, in the final report, mentioned how much the professional world appreciates the particular openness and attention that Bologna reserves to the needs of the profession.

The Commission’s report also demonstrates its appreciation for the university’s educational facilities, in particular for the stable, experimental dairy, and the emergency room of the G. Gentile teaching hospital. Other DIMEVET strengths highlighted were research, internationalization and the Veterinary Teaching Portal (VTP). The VTP is a point of pride for DIMEVET as it collects multimedia educational material produced by the teachers and offers it to students: videos, clinical cases, histology slides and anatomical preparations. Students can also consult the VTP on many skills and procedures useful for traineeships.

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