Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

EAEVE - The visit "in brief" - May 2014

Professor Gualtiero Gandini was the Liaison Officer to the DIMEVET, with the functions of linking and interfacing between the Commission and the structure for all five days. The student committee member (Ms Isa Immonen - University of Helsinki) played a very important role also.

The visit began with a "walk and talk", in which the Commission took a guided tour of the entire structure. From this initial glance, the experts decided what they wanted to review in detail over the following days, when they would be grouped according to their skills for a closer inspection of individual parts of the facilities.

For the Bologna visit, they were in two separate committees under a single guide. While the certification group visited the different sections (for example the veterinary hospital services, stables, educational barn, necropsy labs, slaughterhouse and training rooms), the accreditation committee conducted separate interviews with the groups responsible for the quality of the laboratories, the clinics and the degree programme. Structures, equipment and services for teaching, research and local connections were assessed. A verification of procedural compliance followed, and the safety, quality and transparency of the organization were also examined.

To avoid situations that were ‘manufactured’ just for their inspection, the commission completely subverted the previously-established work programme for a whole day.

However, the real critical moment took place during the final joint session on the last day, when the commission read the points of its report and pronounced its verdict. The Great Hall was packed and the anxiety palpable: seeing students and teachers cry tears of joy at the positive evaluation was the most beautiful reward.

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