Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Expected learning outcomes

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5984 - Veterinary Medicine


The Doctor in Veterinary Medicine is a professional with scientific knowledge basis who understands the importance of continuing education and has the bases that allow him/her to practise in all 3 broad areas of the veterinary profession, both in public and private areas: companion animal clinical practice, public health and food safety, production animal medicine. He DVM knows the scientific methods to advance knowledge and works in a national, international and European context, in a one health background.

Specifically, the graduate in Veterinary Medicine has background knowledge of chemistry, physics, biochemistry and basic economy, that allow the understanding of all aspects related to the veterinary profession. He/she knows all the aspects related to animal life, their physiology and behaviour.

The graduate in Veterinary Medicine knows:

  • how to critically evaluate animal health and welfare status, at individual, group and population levels.
  • the pathogenic mechanisms of diseases of various etiology, including infectious and parasitic diseases, zoonotic diseases and the main host reaction to these.
  • common drugs of veterinary use, their mechanism of action and their pharmacokinetics, administering methods and therapy, and is fully aware of the problem of antibiotic resistance.
  • How to recognize the clinical signs of disease and formulate differential diagnoses.
  • the main diagnostic techniques to diagnose diseases of different cause.
  • the surgical methods and approaches to different surgical conditions.
  • how to recognize animal suffering that may require euthanasia.
  • animal husbandry, breeding and farming strategies and the economic principles applicable to agriculture and farming.
  • the measures to prevent and monitor diseases aimed at developing and applying veterinary public health plans.
  • the principles of food hygiene and production animal welfare to ensure food safety.
  • the production processes to transform food of animal origin and how to identify and prevent risks to human health.
  • the macroscopical and microscopical changes aimed at diagnosing diseases and at evaluating animals destined for the food chain.
  • how to dispose safely of animal carcasses.
  • the ethics, bioethics and veterinary legislation to practise in compliance with national and European laws, related to public health, animal welfare and environmental safety.

All the knowledge is obtained during the educational programme which includes the professional practical training. At the end of the programme, and before the thesis discussion, the PPV assess the full competency of the student.


The graduate in Veterinary Medicine is able to apply the knowledge, the technical competences and the practical skills that allow the practice of veterinary medicine in public and private settings, as a professional involved in the main 3 areas of the profession: companion animal, equine and exotic animal clinical practice, public health and food safety, animal production and production animal medicine. He/she has the competences to contribute to the development and design of research studies on animal species.

The graduate in Veterinary Medicine si able to:

  • Safely handle and restrain animal species of veterinary interest.
  • Develop and apply biosecurity principles, minimizing risks of environmental spread as well as preventing human and animal infection
  • Recognize welfare of animals of veterinary interest.
  • Collect, preserve and transport of biological and environmental samples for diagnostic laboratory tests, and interpret and analyse results.
  • Safely use the diagnostic methods in compliance with laws and regulations.
  • Obtain a clinical history and perform a complete clinical examination
  • Perform basic emergency procedures on species of veterinary interest.
  • Develop preventative and prophylactic plans appropriate for the species and in compliance with the legislation and regulations on animal health, animal welfare and public health.
  • Apply appropriate diagnostic methods to reach a clinical diagnosis
  • Formulate differential diagnosis
  • Safely perform sedation, general and regional anesthesia
  • Safely apply basic principles of aseptic surgery
  • Formulate a specific therapy and administer treatments to the animal.
  • Perform humane euthanasia with a method that is adequate for the species of interest.
  • Properly keep and store digital clinical records and diagnostic reports.
  • Perform a post-mortem exam and to identify and interpret lesions ante-mortem and post-mortem, of different tissues and organs.
  • Genetically select and improve the main species for animal production
  • Apply husbandry techniques for production animals.
  • Evaluate the nutritional status of animals, formulate nutritional plans
  • Conduct inspections of production and transformation processes in food production plants as well as sample, prepare and process different food samples.
  • Plan and apply the main principles of food safety.
  • Evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively the production proceses of food production plants (such as HACCP)

    All the knowledge is obtained during the educational programme which includes the professional practical training. At the end of the programme, and before the thesis discussion, the PPV assess the full competency of the student.


The graduate in Veterinary Medicine is able to:

- formulate a definitive diagnosis among a series of differential diagnosis hypothesis

- choose the appropriate therapeutic as well as a proper intensive care plan

- interpret the final results of a necropsy

- develop a nutritional plan in order to prevent nutritional disease and to control the qualitative characteristic of food of animal origin

- interpret the results obtained to prevent and control diseases

- critically and objectively advise on all professional activities

- act ethically and professionally as a veterinary Medicine professional


The achievement of these competencies will be monitored during the degree course programme, encouraging the student to formulate critical judgement and interpretation during the practical classes and professional practical training, and will be assessed during exams of specific courses.

Moreover, the practical training will allow the student to develop critical thinking and the ability to judge on professional issues.

The final thesis preparation will contribute to and allow the development of autonomous judgement regarding experimental study hypothesis and design. This competence will be assessed within the final exam.


The graduate in Veterinary Medicine is able to:

  • Comunicate effectively in english, both written and oral, obtaining a B2 level.
  • communicate effectively technical reports in relation to the professional activity and to interpret technical reports written by collaborators.
  • communicate results and projects related to development and research on animal production and food transformation.
  • communicate with other related professionals, such as agronomists, medical doctors, psychologists, biologists, biotechnologists or pharmacists, using a technical language as well as writing reports and demonstrating knowledge of the related areas and the ability to find solutions.

    Knowledge of the English language is assessed through a level B2 exam.

The ability to communicate effectively will be obtained during practical classes and professional practical training which require report and document writing and attendance to seminars. Assessment of communication skills will be carried out during both specific course exam and final exam; the student will be expected to communicate using appropriate language.


The graduate in Veterinary Medicine will learn through appropriate methods in order to:

  • Keep updated on methods, techniques, equipment and regulations related to the veterinary profession
  • To adapt to the changing role of the veterinary profession
  • To develop and apply commercial, communication and business skills

The development and improvement of these abilities will be encouraged during the degree programme, through assignments of specific tasks within specific courses, which will be assessed by the teacher. The students will be requested to attend seminars and perform clinical case discussion within the Teaching Hospital. Their ability to use digital resources to solve issues of veterinary interest will also be assessed through elaboration and presentation of data.

All these skills will be assessed both during specific course exams, final exams as well as during the traineeship.

The knowledge of the graduate in Veterinary Medicine will allow them to continue their careers with other post-graduate degrees such as PhD (doctorate), specialization schools, as well as 1st and 2nd degree masters.


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Corso di Veterinary Medicine - codice 5984
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