Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Expected learning outcomes

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If you have already enrolled, the course code is available in Studenti Online.

8617 - Veterinary Medicine


Basic sciences.


- possesses the theoretical and practical knowledge deriving from the basic sciences (physics, chemistry, biochemistry, zoology, genetics, parasitology, microbiology);

- possesses the knowledge deriving from the study of anatomy, physiology, epidemiology, biological agents of disease, immunology, genetics and morphofunctional evaluation;

- knows the mechanism of action, the kinetics and the effects of drugs and toxic in animals; the diagnosis and treatment of intoxication; the legislative aspects related to the marketing and use of drugs.

- has the methodological foundations of scientific research.

Clinical sciences


- knows the clinical methods for the diagnosis and management of medical, surgical and obstetrical-gynecologica diseases in animals;

- knows the epidemiology, the etiology, the pathogenesis, the anatomical-pathological aspects, the prophylaxis, the control and the diagnosis of animal diseases;

- possesses the knowledge of the legislative and administrative system and specialist knowledge on veterinary law and regulatory procedures.

Animal production


-knows the fundamentals of the morpho-functional evaluation of animals, the main breeds of pet and large animals, as well as the aspects of genetics applied to the improvement of animal species;

- knows the materials and technologies necessary for the production and dietetic-nutritional evaluation of food for animals;

- knows the technologies of production as well as the correct evaluation of foods of animal origin.

Food safety and public health


- can carry out the ante and post mortem inspection of animals for food consumption and can verify the quality and healthiness of products of animal origin;

- knows the methods and objectives of production, processing, conservation, and marketing control, as well as the risk of transmission of diseases through food, together with related legislative aspects;

- knows the epidemiological surveillance systems of veterinary infectious diseases and zoonoses at national and international level, the veterinary health organization and veterinary legislation, and the skills to be used in case of epidemic emergencies.




- can assess the morphofunctional and well-being condition of an animal;

- knows how to apply the tools for monitoring the inappropriate use of drugs and the presence of toxic substances in animal.



- Knows how to apply specific knowledge to detect and critically assess the state of health, disease and animal welfare

- will be able to manage the diagnostic and therapeutic approach starting from from the clinical symptomatology and the anatomical-histopathological lesions;

- can manage the anesthesiological approach;

- can use fertility control systems through the use of artificial insemination, assisted reproduction techniques, animal biotechnology and contraception;

- will be able to apply the instruments for the surveillance and prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases of domestic, exotic and wild animals as well as those to be adopted in case of epidemic emergencies;

- can apply the tools for monitoring and preventing chemical and biological risk in the livestock production chain.



- can influence positively the efficiency and quality of animal production, considering the economy aspect too;

- can formulate diets and plans food rations;

- knows how to operate on fraud concerning raw materials, technological treatments and additives used in the preparation of animal feeds;

- is able to formulate an objective judgment regarding animal welfare and the adequacy of the technologies applied to breeding.



- Can carry out the ante and post-mortem inspection of animals intended for food consumption and can verify the quality and healthiness of products of animal origin

- knows how to apply the tools for the surveillance and prevention of diseases transmitted with food of animal origin,

- can apply the tools for monitoring and prevention of chemical and biological risk in the food chain.



- identifies the final diagnosis among a series of differential diagnostic hypotheses, independently ;

- identifies the most appropriate therapeutic approach as well as the possible reanimation or intensive care protocol;

- interprets the epicrisis;

- develops rationing plans for the prevention of food pathologies and plans for the control of food of animal origin;

- interprets the results provided by the tools used to carry out surveillance and prevention tasks;

- gives a critical and objective interpretation in professional applications

- maintains an ethical and sensitive behavior to the role of the profession of veterinary.



- is able to communicate in English, in written and oral form, thanks to one linguistic competence acquired at level B2;

- is able to communicate, in written and oral form, technical reports related to own professional activity and interpret technical reports written by collaborators, superiors, subordinates;

- is able to communicate results and comments in the field of breeding and related products;

- is able to communicate with different professional figures ( technicians, agronomists, doctors, psychologists, biologists, biotechnologists, pharmacists) through the use of a technical language.

The knowledge of the English language at level B2 is verified through a test. The acquisition of the four linguistic skills (reading, writing, listening, and dialogue) and the attendance of the lessons can be foreseen, according to the criteria that will be specified in the course of studies, in accordance with the requirements of the Academic Bodies.


Graduate acquires an adequate method of study and learning:

- to keep up to date with the methods, techniques, tools and regulations concerning the profession;

- to adapt to any changed functions assigned to the professional role;

- to develop and / or apply commercial, entrepreneurial and communication skills.