First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in European Studies

Curricular internship

The curricular internship is a training experience, included in the study plan of the degree programme, aimed at completing academic education through practical experiences.

What is an internship?

The curricular internship is a major activity which allows you to complete an experience as part of your university education. The internship is an activity to be carried out in companies, institutions, organisations, or university facilities.

Type of internship included in your Bachelor

The Bachelor in European Studies provides the possibility to carry out the internship as an elective activity. You can select:

  • Internship (6 CFU equivalent to 150 hours) consistent with the learning objectives of the programme.

From 2022/2023 internships, as well as all other academic activities, must be carried out in presence.

When can you apply?

The curricular internship is a major activity. In order to activate the internship, it is necessary to include it in the study plan during the expected time frames.

The Academic Tutor is Professor Carmelo Danisi.

Your Internship Opportunities

The University of Bologna has an internship database, called SOL-Internships. Companies and institutions that have an agreement with the University of Bologna may publish their internship offers there. You may, alternatively:

  1. Apply for existing offers on the database;
  2. Refer on the database to the list of partner companies and send them a letter of inquiry/speculative application;
  3. Set up a new internship agreement between Unibo and a company that is not our partner yet.

N.B. Students cannot carry out internships within a host organisation whose legal representative, director or business associate has family ties with the student applicant.

In cases 1) and 2)

  1. you will need to send your CV to the company of interest (if you need support to prepare an effective CV, you may contact the Job Placement Service)
  2. Once you have been selected, you will receive an e-mail with the instructions on how to accept the internship offer and complete your application;
  3. After the Internship Board has approved the activity for you, you will receive another e-mail indicating how to activate your internship;
  4. Lastly, download from SOL-Internships the attendance sheet, where you will find the period for the internship approved (which may differ from that of the original internship offer). 

What if you are in touch with a company/institution willing to host you as an intern?

Please follow the passages below to activate an internship:

  1. check on  SOL-Internships whether the relevant company/institution is already in the list of partners of the University of Bologna.
    If it is not, you can send the company the instructions on how to set up an agreement. Then please email the Internship Office with the name of the company and an indication of a reference person; 
  2. ask the reference person in the host organization to post an internship offer targeted to you in the Internships and Agreements Service;
  3. you will receive an e-mail with the instructions on how to accept the internship offer and complete your application;
  4. after the Internship Board has approved the activity for you, you will receive another e-mail indicating how to activate your internship;
  5. download from SOL-Internships the attendance sheet, where you will find the period for the internship approved (which may differ from that of the original internship offer).  

What if you would like to carry out  your internship within an office or lab of the University of Bologna?

In agreement with your Internship Academic Tutor and with the reference person of the chosen University structure or lab, then send an application via SOL-Internships:

  1. please make sure to complete the compulsory modules on Health and Safety (module 1 and 2);
  2. select  the button “Present Internship application in Unibo";
  3. fill in all the requested fields;
  4. wait for the email confirming that your request has been validated;
  5. after the Internship Board has approved the activity for you, you will receive another e-mail indicating how to activate your internship;
  6. download from SOL-Internships the attendance sheet, where you will find the period for the internship approved (which may differ from that of the original internship offer).  

What if you would like to ask for the recognition of university credits for working, extra-curricular, other activities?

If you have completed an external activity (a non-curricular internship, a placement, etc.) that you think is relevant to your study field, you can ask for its recognition as a curricular internship. Check the information on how to submit your request, as in the attachment box.

What to do during the internship

  • Fill in your attendance sheet, in compliance with the period approved for your internship.
  • If, for any reason, you wish to interrupt or extend your internship, or if you have concluded/accomplished your tasks and hours earlier than planned, you must inform the Internship Office, with the Internship Academic Tutor and your reference person in the host organisation in carbon copy (cc).
  • Should you need to travel to locations not included in the approved programme, you can ask for an insurance extension to the Internship Academic Tutor. Please email him or her, with the Internship Office and reference person at the host organisation in carbon copy, then wait for your request to be approved.
  • During the whole internship period, you are insured against accidents at work and third party liability claims. For further information, please consult the Insurance Policy webpage.

What to do at the end of the internship

In the following order:

  1. Before leaving the internship position, make sure that your attendance sheet is duly filled in and signed.
  2. Upload the whole attendance sheet on SOL-Internships
  3. Fill in the evaluation form that you'll then be directed to (you will find the link after you will have uploaded the attendance sheet)
  4. Once completed the points before, the Internship Office will validate the activity and your Internship Academic Tutor will register it. (It is not necessary to book a "registration session" on AlmaEsami).