First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in European Studies

home page

Defining the Europe to come

Defining the Europe to come

Understand the political, economic, and social transformations taking place to prepare for Europe's global challenges.

What to keep in mind

News, events, and notices for your studies


Student Elections 2025

On 14 and 15 May, you can express your opinion. Vote for your representatives in the University Governing Bodies and the National Council of University Students. Find out how, when, and where to vote.


Transferable skills: key tools for education and work

From information literacy to public engagement, from neuroscience to ecological transition, from communication to intellectual property, up to employability skills: enrol by 25 March.


Workshops on study methods and OrientaLab

Participate in the meetings, online or in person at the 5 Campuses, where interactive workshops will be done on topics related to the university experience. Check the full calendar and sign up.

20 Mar

"Questioni attuali della vita giuridica internazionale nel prisma delle corti"

Tribute event for Professor Alessandra Zanobetti's retirement from work.

Open day

4 Apr ore 15:00

Discover the degree programme

In person

Student sitting on a bench reading

University can change your life.

You might be unsure whether this is the right path for you. No one has all the answers: you’ll find yours by exploring new possibilities.

Pursue your interests and passions